Uncle Hades

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Percys POV
My little sister is a queen. I'm related to royalty. It's kind of unreal. And really sick.

So I was drinking this purple pink drink that a kind fey(female) had given us. I immediately asked her if it was alchohol . Patiently , she explained(with a lot of giggling), that it definitely was not.

It was made with a special flower called the Ronnie Blaise and the drink itself was called the Ronitition. But like alchohol, it messed with your head and sort of enhanced your feelings.

For example if I was happy, it would make me really really happy.If I was sad, it would make me sadder, and if I was angry, well, you know what would happen then.

Anyways I took a few sips and holy Hera that thing was sweet. So I discreetly and very charmingly poured it down a potted plant. I do not exaggerate when I say the plant literally slouched. Like almost collapsed.

To put it nicely , the drunk was for a selected palate. In my normal Percy terms, it was worse than smelly Gabes socks. Of course, that was just me. Annabeth seemed to like it.

I looked around for Ray, (for those who were epically confused about who Ray was When Worlds Collide by Prerna , and have actually decided to read this story and haven't figured it out yet for some god forsaken reason, here ya go) but couldn't find her. I came to the conclusion she was probably with Leo. I was happy for them but schist becomes real when the both of them are sarcastic together in the same room. It's dangerous ,I'm telling you.

Instead I find Nico in a corner. His eyes were watery and he was clutching one of the drinks and in his other hand he was holding a picture of a blond boy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Of course, it was Will Solace.

Then it hits me. Nico was missing Will. That was on his mind currently and he was having the drink. I quickly realised what was going to happen.

Nick was going to try and shadow travel back to CHB to see his boyfriend. But I knew for a fact that the stunt he had pulled while fighting for Ray at the Burger Shack with Calypso had excessively drained him. Shadow travelling would make him fade again.

(I feel like Annabeth.)

And believe me, I was in no mood to do any Coach Hedge nature magic extravaganza on him. Me being me, I'd probably help him fade faster.

Oh boy.

The only option I had was to stop him from doing anything foolish, and what he was about to do was a very Percy-ish feel to it.

Basically , it was extremely risky and very foolish. I have come to terms with my self.

I walk (practically running , so it looked like I had a twisted leg, but oh well) towards him and grab the drunk out of his hand and poor it into the nearest plant. That poor plant collapsed too.

I'm beginning to feel like a dam plant murderer.

"Nico, don't do what I think you're going to do. Put that picture back and eat something", I say as gently as possible.
"Percy? What are you doing?- give my drink back to meeeeeeee!"
I'm seriously beginning to doubt whether this thing had alchohol or not. Nico was legit, drunk. And he was under age so this was bad.

(Really Percy? The first thing you think of is the fact he's underage? Shut up brain and help him already!)

"Nico, this is making you loony, you can't go to visit Will now, you'll fade and we'll have to plant you."
Some fey gave me odd looks. I can't exactly blame them for judging me. But they can't say anything,I'm related to their queen.

(Did I mention how sick this is? Yeah? Ok)

I slowly explained to Nico what the drink does and told him he was too weak to do any shadow travelling. He understood ,thank the gods, but told me that if I told anyone about this incident, he would ghost-ify me.

He was scary,for a fourteen year old kid.

Then suddenly , a black aura surrounded me and Nico and we were standing in a throne room with a man sitting on the throne.

Oh gods, it was Hades.

"Hello Perseus, Nico."
Hades slightly smiled and nodded. Then , to my enormous surprise, he turned to me.

"Percy, you have saved my son on countless occasions. I wouldn't normally do this, but dark times are ahead."

Well great,it's not like I've heard that line many times before.

"I am going to give you my blessing. You will able to see through all evil enchantments and such . You will need this in the future. "
"Why does that sound like a death sentence?"
He smirked. SMIRKED I TELL YOU! "You will see me again, young hero. And you will know when ."

Could you be more vague? Gee thanks for the mindless clues.

"Goodbye Percy, goodbye my son"
Then of course he poofed us away in a black ,well, poof. We were back at where we were before we were in the underworld. I left Nico and went to search for Annabeth.

And that's when it sunk in.

I was blessed by the Lord of the underworld.

Dear Uncle Hades.

(A/n): hey boys, I uploaded finally ,sorry I was really busy lately. Exams are coming and my mother is running me ragged. Oh well. I promise I'll post whenever I can. Also go read Prernalakhwani08 When worlds collide, Ray(me) is in it so yay!

❤️Rhea, daughter of Poseiden and legacy of Apollo

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