Your Grainyness

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Percy and I stumbled out of the cave in to the light. The heavy canopy covered most of the light so it was more like the splashes of light that we were graced with.

He coughed and looked at me oddly.

I felt really bad for my brother. He had been through so much, two flipping wars, only for another prophecy to burden him now.

He had saved the world twice(which gave me excellent bragging rights, but I digress), and had to help me this time round.

And he was intimidating as hell, his  eyes could be so sharp it could kill. I knew him personally, since i was family, I knew he drooled in his sleep, but those who didn't were readily frightened. Except Annabeth of course, but that's another story.

Heck, he was Percy Jackson, the Percy Jackson.

But at the moment, he looked like crap. (Sorry not sorry. Just being honest bro) His hair was wild and he had a slightly crazed look in his eyes.

But I don't blame him, he had just relived his memories in Tartarus. Flipping Tartarus.

I stopped spacing out and looked back at him.

"What? ", I asked.
" Nothing, it's just, when you were singing, I swore I saw a set of white wings on your back. It was very faint, but definitely there. "

I looked at him strangely.
"Wings, you say? ", I asked. Didn't seem too far off, considering I was half fey.

He nodded enthusiastically. Then swayed on his feet. I caught his arm and steadied him. " Woah ,Perce, you good? "

He took a deep breath and stood on his own two feet. "I.... Yeah, I'm good, just slightly dizzy. What I saw in there was just so-"

"Hey, it's ok, you don't need to elaborate", I assured him.

" We need to contact the others, got a dramacha? ", I questioned.
He nodded his head furiously , saying no, so I dug through my pockets and miraculously found one.

I initiated an Iris Message and Piper popped up. She was fighting something, which looked like a tree.

I decided not to ask. " Piper, are you at your dads house? "
"Yeah, guys how will you get her? ", she asked.
" We'll make it, just wait" And with that I pushed my hand through the IM and ended the message.

"How exactly are we getting to Piper's dads house? ", Percy asked, looking a little drained.

" Fey magic"

Hazel's POV

Piper's dad is a real nice fella.

He let us in, understood our situation and the best of all, gave us pizza.

I may have not been in the modern world for a long time, but pizza is something I've developed a immense liking too. And after eating all that caviar at Rays Pallace, it was extremely welcome with all of us.

Except Leo. He was strangely quiet, thought that was understandable, since, he just got back with Ray , only to have the poor girl abducted.

We were sitting in his living room, munching on our pizza, when I happened to look out of the window (they have those huge fancy ones. You know, celebrities)  when I saw humongous weeds, which made no sense to me.

Weeds couldn't be that tall.

"Uhh, Piper, that's not normal is it? ", I asked.

" Definitely not, let's go check it out", she replied, with a bewildered look on her pretty face. She opened the window and climbed right out of it to investigate.

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