Holy Hephastus!

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Your POV
A dude with horse legs gallops up to me.
It seriously gives a whole new meaning to that Ed Sheeran song ,you know,the one that has the line,'When you're legs don't work as they used to before'.
He guides me inside and gently explains to me that I'm a demigod,and that this is a camp full of them .The camp helps them train and stay alive. Then he tells me that his name is Chiron and he is a centaur. He runs the camp.

Seems legit.

"It's dinner time now,go get settled with the Hermes cabin and come to the dining pavilion ",he says . I walk out and do as goat man-I mean Chiron- says.
At dinner two dudes ,Conor and Travis I think, talk to me. They seem nice. Until of course they told me they were pretty good at thievery. They looked proud. I was left hoping I kept my stuff safely in the cabin.

"All hail (y/n), daughter of Posiden", Chiron's voice booms through the dining area as everyone nods and gasps.

Posiden.... Oh, he was the God of the sea and earthquakes right?

Greek mythology class seems to finally pay off.

A boy with sea green eyes walks up to me."Hey I'm Percy your new brother!", he says . I smile and make my way towards the Posiden table .

"So, you're literally like my only family here so tell me about yourself",he asks me ."Ask away ",I reply cheerfully. I liked my brother.
"What's you're favourite colour?"
"Oh you've crossed the line", I say sarcastically but with a smile.
"I like you", he states,laughing. Oh thank god, I was hoping I'd be like by my brother.

"I want you to meet someone", he says as he beckons a girl with blond hair and grey eyes over ."This is Annabeth, my girlfriend"
I give her a warm smile and she does the same." Were gonna be GOOD friends", she says with a smirk and Percy groans.

Oh , we're gonna have some fun.

"Oh my Gods ,she'll get along so well with hammer head!", Percy states excitedly as he calls over a boy with curly brown hair and chocolate eyes.
"Hello Chica! Oh man you have a cute sister!" , the boy says."I'm Leo Valdez,bad boy supreme, Mcshizzle man!"
I smirk. Mcshizzle man?
"Bad boy huh? Is that why you're as red as a tomato?", I ask slyly. He looks at me in surprise and says. " She is now my friend Percy you have lost her"

Oh hell yeah.

Percy chuckles and leads me back to my new cabin to settle in and go to bed. He gives me a goodnight brotherly kiss on my forehead before going to bed.

I posted. Your welcome.

❤️Rhea,daughter of Poseiden

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