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Everything went back to normal.

Percy woke me ridiculously early in the mornings for his blue pancakes, Leo was in the Forges, Hazel and Frank went back to Camp Jupiter.

Piper defended innocent souls form Drew's wrath, Jason flee around camp. Nico went back to spending too much time at the Apollo cabin and the infirmary.

Everything was fine.

Of course, the loss was still there, but it had dulled down. We talked about it less and less.

"Oh gods of Olympus , geez Percy I'm up " , I groaned and pulled myself up. I tied my hair in a high ponytail, slipped on a camp Tee and jeans. We made our way to the dining pavilion and sat down. Blue Waffles appeared in my plate.

Percy gasped in happiness and hugged me so tight my lungs were going to explode.
"Your officially my sister"

"Well , gee thanks, what was I before? ", I asked with a roll of my eyes.

After sword fighting practise, I was going to the lake when my boyfriend appeared in front of me put of nowhere.
"Geez calm down. I wanted to ask you something."
"Well you don't need to materialise in front of me and give a heart attack genius"

He grinned and gave me a kiss.

Well that's certainly one way of shutting me up.
A very efficient one too.

"Okay,moray , what was it?", I asked, tripping desperately to push down the smile on my face( and failing).

"Well, since we've never actually been on a date, would you wanna go on one tonight"

"Are you asking me out"
" Yes"
I pretended to thing really hard about it.
"Okay, I'll got a date with you"

He smiled that impish grin and pulled me along. " Everyone's at the beach lets go", he said, while I was being dragged.

When we reach I sat down next to Piper as she told me about how Drew had to wear the shoes for a week. Percy handed me a blue coke (don't even ask) and I took a sip.

I laid my head on Leo's shoulder. I realised for the first time in a long time, I was happy. Like really happy.

Maybe, just maybe, Fire and Water do go together.


Fire and Water 2) Egyptian Endeavors
It's out! Go read it! 

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