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The icy chains dissappear and I throw myself at Khione. A wall of ice comes in between us.
I really wish there was some water here. She walks away and the wall dissappears. I run out of the dark room and bump into Percy.

"Oh my gods, (Y/n), what happened to you? "
"Khione*pant*kidnapped*pant*me. "
"How did you escape? "
"Weird thing is she let me go. "
"Huh! ", Percy says, confused. " Let's go find the others".
We walk for a while (a long looonnngg while mind you. I had to deal with Persassy) and find the rest of the seven. But now it had been
7 hours that we were in this hell hole. I was getting angriee and restless. Hey I was a sleep deprived ADHD demigod. That is NOT a good combination.

"I want food", I state unhappily. Did I mention I was hungry too.
"Me too, blue pancakes are preferred though", Percy agrees with me. Annabeth rolls her eyes as if to say, 'why am I with this idiot'. I sort of agreed with her. Then I crashed into a door. I opened it quickly and there, right in front of me, was Leo Valdez.

Leos Pov(warning:extreme Leo sass)
I was NOT feeling the love. First of all, if your going to abduct me, at least wait for a few days so I can enjoy being with my girlfriend, who I missed for 6 gods damn months. Second of all, Khione's hand are FRICKEN COLD , like the woman gave me brain freeze.
And lastly-my sad sad life had no limits-she traps me in a box made of thin ice. But the ice ain't melting. The one time I need my powers to work.

So now I'm sitting in the box like a damsel in total distress. LIKE COME ON! I have a LIFE , ICE QUEEN. Like seriously,that goddess has no chill. (Lmao,my puns are gonna be the death of me)  Well technically she does. So does that mean she has no heat?
So many unanswered questions.

Not to mention my ex, is a raging ,revenge thirsty, angry girl. Sweet.
So I'm ecstatic when I see (y/n) and the others walk through the door. I scramble to my feet(very smooth Valdez) , and try for a smile. (Y/n) rushes toward me and puts her hands out for a hug, but crashes into the STUPID ICE BOX. Her eyes widen in surprise and looks at me questionably. I grimace and slightly shake my head. She stagers backwards and Percy catches her. After regaining her composure, she walks towards the box and places her forehead on it and puts her hand on it as well. I do the same.

" Is our relationship going to always be like this Repair boy? " , she asks her vice wavering. "We always get away from each other. "
"I know, it's horrible, but once I figure out a way out of this box, we'll kick Calypso podex."

"I don't think so Leonidas. Please do leave my podex alone", an all too familiar voice echoes through the room. " Who said you're ever getting out? "
(Y/n) turns sharply on her heel and faces the daughter of Atlas.
"Yes it's me darling, what a break through"
"Shut up sargent sarcasm"
Calypso glared at (y/n). With a flick of her wrist angry venti surrounded her.
Damn espresso drinks!
She points towards (y/n) and they attack her. I'm so glad Jason is with us. He's our venti man!
Calypso focused her powers on to my girlfriend, who was fighting it the best she could, but fighting wind is kinda hard. Percy was livid, slashing Riptide around like a maniac. Piper was charm speaking and shooting high velocity hams out of her cornucopia. Nico was summoning skeletons for all he was worth. But it was of no use.   (Y/n) fell to her knees and curled up into a little ball. Percy let out a gutteral scream and I dropped to her level, trying to speak to her. But she didn't respond. She stayed like that and Calypso smirked. She doubled the amount of venti surrounding (y/n).

I scan my surroundings, hoping to find a loophole. I look Calypso down -no, I was not checking her out.My eyes catch a necklace around Calypso's neck. It was simple and elegant, a silver chain with a purple crystal attached at the bottom. It gave of a powerful vibe. Definitely what was giving her her powers.

Suddenly, the ground began violently shaking and the box around me broke (FREE). (Y/n) gets up and glares at Calypso, her sea-green eyes glowing brightly. She raises her handed and water gushes into the room, at a high speed. The water strangles titans daughter and she gasps like a fish(hehehehe.ill stop now. At least, I'll try) "Hazel, The necklace, SUMMON IT"
Hazel nods and with a flick of her wrist, the jewel in in her hands. Calypso hair, eyes and even clothes turn back to normal and she promptly collapses. Immediately, (y/n)'s eyes stop glowing and she collapses too. I catch her and lift her up bridal style. Jason picks up Calypso(with great reluctance) .
"What the hades just happened? ", Frank asks, utterly confused.
" She summoned an earthquake", Percy says with astonishmemt.

" Guys, she's almost as drained as I get when I shadow travel", said you probably know who.
She clutches my shirt and leans against it. Then Hazel gasps.
"What ?Hazel, oh my gods why are you crying? ", Annabeth asks concerned.
" This jewel, it's the one I gave Sammy all those years ago"

(A/n) 953 words. 953.Be proud of me folks. And thank you for 141 reads like you guys are awesome. Did I mention the cliffhanger?????
Mwahahahah. Deal with it. Much more action is on the way.

❤Rhea, daughter of Poseiden and Legacy of Apollo

Fire and Water  1)The Darkness WithinWhere stories live. Discover now