Chapter 64: The Reveal

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

Harry felt his feet slam into the ground; his injured leg gave way, and he fell forward; his hand let go of the Triwizard Cup at last. He raised his head. (- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Page 636)

Before he immediately rolled left as his magical instincts warned him. His eyes laid upon the scorch mark where he had just landed and his breath felt taken from him as he followed the path the spell took.

"Who are you?" Harry whispered as his eyes connected with light blue eyes, his hair was brown but Harry could feel the magic surrounding the hair, telling him it was spelled a different color. His facial features were slightly odd, in the way that magic was making it almost blurry to him. The only thing clear was his hair and eye color.

His eyes roamed the place he was suddenly at. It was just slightly warmer than Scotland if possible, but the snow on the ground told him he was probably still somewhere in Europe as they've recently had a snowfall, the castle behind the man was looming over them as it was structurally hanging over the cliff above them.

"Hadrian Peverell. Or, should I say Hadrian Jackson. Or do you prefer Potter?" the man mocked as he slipped his wand out of its holster, showing Harry that he was powerful enough to scorch the earth using wandless and wordless incantation.

"How do you know my name?" Harry challenged and felt his magic bubble underneath his skin, ready to protect him in an instinct. It's too bad he felt Apparition Wards around them, stopping him from possibly trying to Apparate.

"The Boy-Who-Lived, I find it ironic. In its own way," The man continued like he hadn't heard Harry's question, but also answering it at the same time.

"I've searched for you for many years. And to find out, you've been under my nose this entire time. Your father was unplanned, I must add. Oh but the tournament was a great way to get him out of your nose along with your familiars because of rules," the man taunted.

"I must say, to see the great Hadrian Peverell follow the rules is surprising. It took me by surprise the first time I noticed. You're full of surprises, aren't you," The man said as he watched Harry with careful eyes.

"I don't even know who you are," Harry growled out, feeling annoyed and frustrated with the man that acted as he knew him.

"Oh, but I do. For years I have known you, and to see you at my feet, with little magical acknowledge that you will one day possess, growling out like a cub with no knowledge of just who I am," The man breathed out, his chest filling with air, a psychopathic satisfaction filling him.

"Stopping me from becoming the very person I will become in just a few short minutes. Always where you are not supposed to be, firing magic at your will and stopping my minions from doing their work. You have been a thorn in my side for a very long time, and I think it's time for us to finally end our long battle, Old Friend," he said as he gripped his wand more tightly.

Harry was prepared enough to dodge the next spell that was fired at him, making the ground explode slightly from the impact. Watching the man's lips thin in displeasure, Harry threw up a shield at the next to spells when he realized he was unable to dodge them simultaneously.

"Abolesco," The man fired off toward Harry.

Remembering the spell can only be blocked by Proetgo, Harry quickly threw it up. But the magical weight of the spell impact caused him to fall over.

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