Chapter 61: I Gain New Friends

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Note regarding last chapter note: To be truthful, after a lot of debating. I don't think I can do the justice of Fred/Harry without it ending in Fred's death. While that's alright, I still know nothing of relationships, at least, more or less. I feel if I made them a couple, it would not seem like a relationship because the Weasley's aren't really centered in this story. It mostly surrounds Neville, Draco, Luna, and Harry. So, with that regards, I will not be doing a Fred/Harry pairing in this story.

I do not own Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

Water Creature Speak

Harry was staring out at the water, his thoughts appear and disappear. He closed his eyes and breathed the later February air. There was still some chill, as the cold hasn't seemed to dissipate from the air in Scotland (and wouldn't for a good few more months before that happened; January and February are the coldest months after all).

But even in his shirt and shorts, Harry wasn't feeling at all cold. Whether it was because he had just taken his morning run around the Black Lake; his father's side of the family of not being cold because the sea is always cold; or his magic was keeping him warm, Harry didn't know for certain.

He did know was that his mind felt calm and focused. The cold made his breath slightly cloudy as he gave a slow exhale, but it made him feel even more relaxed.

The second task was later that day. The Drumstrang boat had been moved from the central lake and taken to a different part to float at.

The thing he most loved was already below the water. At least, that's what he assumed based upon the egg's reveal.

So the question was....what did he love most?

There were too many answers to that, he loved all the animals that he's gathered and befriended over the years, even the ones that don't live with him like Buckbeak, Levi, or even Solar (the unicorn he saved in first year had found a mate a year ago and had stayed in the forest since).

He also loved his family. His father, Sirius, and Remus. Then his Uncle and Aunt's Thalia, Nico, Jason, Hazel...The list went on.

While they weren't likely chosen, having not actually entered the wizardry world or even interacted with it, they were still ones he loved.

Harry let out another small cloud of white smoke that dissipated back into the world around him.

He knew how he would breath underwater for an hour. His body could do it for longer. He didn't think it was cheating, using his heritage in such a way, but Harry figured they would hopefully chalk it up to Harry being Harry.

Another puff of white smoke left his lips as he breathed deeply once more.

Whatever happens, whoever was his hostage, he would make sure that everyone down underwater would be saved. He will not leave them until he knows that everyone is safe.

The egg said that if they didn't rescue the hostage in an hour, then it was too late. Harry would make sure it wasn't. He lost his parents once, something he loved the most, he will make sure no one else feels the pain he felt.

With that in mind, Harry stood up from his spot on the ground and walked toward Hogwarts determined. He would change into his swim trunks and shirt that Salem had gifted him for the task and then he would meet the challenge head one, and make sure everyone stays safe in the progress.


Harry was the first champion to arrive. He gazed at the dark water in front of him with slight anticipation. He wondered if he never went exploring the previous year, if he would be scared staring at the dark abyss that was the Black Lake.

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