Chapter 28: The Chamber of Secrets

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Note: While I dislike having to quote as much from the book this chapter as I did, it was important for the plot of the book and pretty much made the conclusion. I did change it, because well, my ending, but there is quite a bit quoted from the book this chapter.

Underlines - Quotes from the book


Animal Speak/Normal Italicized words (You're know the difference)

Harry was sitting with his friends in the hangout they had made during their first year. Since the fiasco of the Chamber, they didn't stick around it as much because they were busy researching or taking classes.

Harry was there with Neville in thought. After losing the Journal, Harry had attempted to send Hedwig a letter to Tom, but she had just shook her head sadly and returned the letter to him.

It seemed Tom was in an area that was blocking communications. So, Harry didn't have much clues now.

"Let's review what we know," Neville said.

"Alright," Harry said shifting from his place to the small blackboard against a wall that had their research on it. "We know it's either a King or Queen Basilisk based upon the knowledge of the petrification and that I'm a Parseltongue and can hear a voice that no one else can that is most similar to snakes."

"Second thing we know," Neville followed up, "the diary you had mentioned fifty years ago the petrifications had happened once more."

"The Journal also had Dark Magic coming off of it and tried to connect to my magic," Harry picked up as they continued to go back and forth.

"Someone had also tried to toss the Diary away."

"Honestly, Neville, stop calling it a Diary, it's pretty demeaning," Harry lightly scolded and saw Neville roll his eyes.

"Harry, it sounds like the Journal is the middle of this," Neville said as he tried to bring Harry back to the topic at hand.

"No, no, I know Tom personally. He wouldn't..." Harry trailed off as his heart thudded. He wanted to listen to his heart in saying that Tom was a good person, but his brain showed that the Journal did seem to be at the crux of the investigation.

"We still don't know how the Basilisk is getting around," Neville muttered, "It has to be a way unseen, in the walls but not on the other side of said walls. Like between them. So what's between two walls?" Neville muttered confused.

"Pipes!" Harry exclaimed, his hand slamming into the table with his excitement at finally having an answer. "Plumbing was invented in the 19th century, but because the wizards are behind, I would guess that Hogwarts had gotten them installed roughly 20th century. And you know which areas are a lot newer than when Hogwarts had been built. Bathrooms."

"So, when Salazar had built the Chambers, it must've had a way in, but when bathrooms were created, the entrance-way must have obstructed some of the piping until magic was able to entwine the two," Neville explained just as excited as Harry.

"And because it might've taken magic a bit longer to figure out piping and how not to mess with it, it hadn't been discovered until fifty years ago, because the entrance can only be open by a Parseltongue."

"Brilliant!" Neville exclaimed.

With the explanation at hand, both paused as they look at one another. "Now what though?" Neville asked.

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