Chapter 35: First Day Classes

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

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Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

By the time the next morning had come, Neville and Harry were feeling much better from their mishap with the Dementors the previous day.

"So, what did you end up choosing for electives?" Draco asked as he dropped into the seat next to Harry who was next to Neville.

"I'm keeping the core classes, though I am taking Self-Studies for History and I told Deputy McGonagall about the possibility for DADA if the teacher is anything like last year, though from what I've heard I don't think that'll happen this year. I'm also keeping Astronomy and taking Arthimacy, Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures. My mastery for Healing and Dueling (after the dueling club last year, Snape had mentioned to Flitwick Harry's talent and the professor asked Harry if he wanted to get a mastery in the field) will be alternating days," Harry said as he grabbed some eggs.

"That's a lot, mate, will you be alright?" Neville asked concerned.

"Knowing him, he'll have more free time then us," snorted Draco as he grabbed some of the toast offered.

"I'll be alright, Neville," Harry said with a reassuring smile, "Ancient Runes is mostly a language that is learned that sometimes, if the person is magically powerful, can be fueled with magic to activate the rune. Say I make a rune for creating as fire, and then push magic into it, if I activate at a certain point then the rune will actually make a fire. My dad uses Greek Runes a lot since he's fluent and Lou fuels them with magic. A lot of them are around our house," Harry explained. "In any case, one of Ancient Runes parents systems is the Greek alphabet, which I already know."

"That sounds interesting," Neville said with a small tilt of his head.

"It really does, it's why I planned on taking it when I was in first year. I already knew a decent amount about the subject and I think it'll be handy later," Harry said with a shrug.

"So why Arithmancy then?"

"Because it's similar to divination but with numbers. I liked the concept of divination, my dad's side of the family has a bit when they sleep, but I never liked the guess work that is in regular divination. Arithmancy; though, is divination with numbers. It's name literally means Number Divination. I think it would work a lot better for me then the guess work from Divination. I mean, curse-breakers use Arithmancy so it has to have some proof that it works," Harry said with a shrug.

Neville and Draco nodded in understanding.

Apparently Neville had chosen to do Divination (though he had admitted that he might try Arithmancy instead) and was going to be doing his mastery with Professor Sprout, who noticed how great he was in Herbology, all with his core classes on top.

Draco; meanwhile, decided to take Care of Magical Creatures, kept Astronomy, and is going to take Ancient Runes along with his core classes.

As breakfast ended, Harry met up with Daphne and Blaise to go to the Arithmancy class that they shared together.

They went to the 7th floor on Hogwarts and found 7A. They quickly entered the classroom and saw that the desks were arranged with two partners at each desk. Three desks each row with a total of 4 rows.

Harry looked at his friends and they unanimously agreed upon who was going to sit with whom as they all held their fist out and played a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

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