Chapter 3: The Sorting

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Edited On: 02/28/2020

Disclaimer: I do not own the underlined passages, it's from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. That being said, I do not own Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Italicized - Thoughts

Underlined - Quote from book

Harry's summer was rather simple, spend an hour every other day reading his new books (he did take small breaks at his dad's insistence) and then there were his normal chores (mostly concerning Spade and taking him flying and making sure his stable was clean).

Draco and his family never saw their house, but they did end up going to the aquarium one day where they got to see Percy lead a Dolphin show.

They were quite shocked, never really paying attention to Non-Magical animals much. So they all had a new experience and a blast at viewing all the animals at Percy's work (and weren't they surprised to learn that Percy was actually the boss of the establishment).

Draco loved the sharks and penguins, especially with Harry always talking about each animal's history with enthusiasm that is usually displayed by Percy when he sees a water animal.

His summer was filled with so much fun, he was startled to realize it was September First until his father was waking him up for their last breakfast before school started.

They arrived early at King's Cross and waited for the Malfoy family to meet them on the Muggle side to help them through (while they mentioned the invisible wall, they had no idea where it exactly was).

Barely waiting a minute, Lucius Malfoy was beside them and ushering them to this section of this wall where Percy and Harry were instructed to casually lean against it to not draw attention to themselves.

Following his advice, father and son acted casually and leaned into the wall to disappear into the other side.

In front of the Jackson family was a small scarlet steam engine that was almost empty except for a few people.

"Most people that arrive early here are Purebloods," Lucius told them as he started to lead them toward his wife and son who was eagerly waiting for his friend.

Draco seemed like he was just refraining from bouncing in his spot as he looked around, he spotted them very soon and grinned at Harry who easily returned it with just as much enthusiasm.

"Come on, I want you to meet some of my other friends," Draco told Harry and started to lead him to the other kids at the station that were quietly talking among one another.

"Daphne, Terry, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle, this is Heir Harry Potter. He'll join us in our compartment if that's fine with everyone."

Draco's friends look at one another and watched Daphne smile at Harry as she questions him, "What do you think about Dark and Light families?" she asked, wanting to see where his loyalties may lie.

Remembering what the Goblins told him, Harry replied, "There is no real such thing as Light and Dark Magic. Magic is Magic, it is all about intent. A ticking curse can easily feel like the Cruciatus Curse if held long enough. While the Killing Curse can be used to put someone out of their misery as it's intent when it was invented was for hospitals. It's like a sword, a sword can either be used to kill someone or be used to cut something like a rope. There are multiple purposes, but it's up to the user to work out what they wanna do with it."

The other children seemed shocked by his brief explanation of how light magic can be used with dark intent, and then how he explained the Killing Curse originated.

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