Chapter 43: Exams with a New Creature

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I want everyone to give a big thanks for all the suggestions for the name of memory. It really means a lot to all those who participated and gave great names. While a lot are amazing, I did only chose one (which you'll read) but all of you deserve my thanks for helping me out. It took quite a bit of deliberating into which name I wanted to choose so give yourselves a clap on the back for making me really think about what name I should choose.

I do not own Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

Harry and Neville didn't attentively seek out Sirius Black, but they did keep a look out for Snuffles. Though, they were both prepared in case Snuffles really was Sirius Black.

Using the books they had gotten from Hogsmeade, they learned the Animagus Reveal spell along with off version of Stupefy but for Animagus.

The reason it was important to know the off brand version of Stupefy was because if a person was hit with the normal spell, they could access their magic and change into their Animagus form. Nullifying the affects.

It's why Aurors have Magic Hand-cuffs that have runes on them to smother ones magic and also a set of runes specifically to nullify Animagus changing.

Their cells even have the runes etched in the corners with magic around them to keep them from being damaged. In the case that the person they arrested was an unregistered Animagus.

The reason the books were illegal in Hogwarts was because of a problem where students would try to become Animagus after learning about it. It caused quite a few students to go to the hospital wing. It had even caused one death that Harry knew about. It was that death that caused the books to be in the restricted section and for it to be banned from all students.

It was why Harry was very careful learning about how to turn into an Animagus. He even had an American Witch help him during the summer with the potions and evaluating his magic to make sure it could handle the transitional strain of changing oneself into an animal that reflected themselves.

With the spells at their disposal, Harry and Neville put the books back in Harry's trunk and        kept an eye out for Snuffles.

Which meant the weeks went by rather quickly for Harry and his friends. With no sign of Snuffles and no word about Black attempting to enter the tower once more, exams were quickly upon them.

Harry's first exam was Care of Magical which was to take care of a Flobberworm for an hour. Harry had shrugged at his friends disgruntled looks as he took his, grabbed some shredded lettuce, and let the worms eat it's lettuce on his shoulder while he looked around the lake.

He found a small tree that had many Bowtruckles that hid as he approached. They weren't exactly what drew Harry attention though.

It was the green cocoon along a tree branch that all the Bowtruckles were avoiding. Harry looked at it carefully and saw a blue stripe that curled in the small green spiky cocoon.

The thing that interested Harry the most was the magic coming off the cocoon. It was almost similar to Dementors, the difference was, it was also the complete opposite of Dementors magic.

Interested, Harry thought back to the magical creature books he's read during his first year. He recalled the exact coloring of the creature in front of him from the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

If Harry recalled correctly, this was a swooping evil. It feeds off bad memories, leaving only good behind. It really was the opposite of Dementors.

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