Chapter 15: The Dysfunctional Platform

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or Percy Jackson 

September 1st came around faster than Harry would've thought, mostly because his dad and him were starting to get Selene, the newest member of the Pegasus Family, walking and slowly flying.

Granted, the flying only got started yesterday, as she soon had enough feathers in her wings to actually fly and stay in the air.

Harry actually loved Selene and her coat that she was still growing, so far it was a beautiful silver coat that seemed to shine under the moonlight, hence the name Selene for the titan of the moon.

Then there were her eyes, it was like looking at the night sky and feeling a serene sense of calm, and joy. But had this mystery behind them.

Though, she was very picky on who she would let ride them; when the Malfoy family heard about the newest member and how she was reluctant to even let Percy or Harry ride her, they tried to see if they could bond with her.

Let's just say, Harry was pretty sure Selene had scared that family for life and even Tom seemed reluctant to be in the same room with her.

She had her mothers beauty, and her fathers stubbornness, as Blackjack will only let Percy himself ride him unless they had thorough talking about who could ride him for a short time period.

Shaking his head to dislodge his current thoughts, Harry turned to his father as they were just outside the wall for the train.

Having arrived just a bit later than an hour early, they had plenty of time to say goodbye to one another.

Which meant that Harry barely hesitated into launching a hug at his father and gripping him tightly, Percy following his sons lead, also hugged back just as tightly.

"Remember, use the portkey should you get in trouble, don't try to solve any mysteries without help, and for gods sake, try to stay out of the Jackson Luck. I'm still dreading the talking that I know Severus wants to give me."

"Why hasn't he?" Harry asked as he tilted his head so he could see his father's face.

"Well, something about dunderheads and then about balmy old cots who needed to mind their own business. Be mindful, there were a few bad words in there that I took out."

"Sev can curse?" Harry asked almost astonished.

"Well he's a wizard, I would hope that he knew how to curse. Sure Transfiguring people are just as effective, but a person deserves a good curse now and again."

Harry smacked his dad in the stomach for now as it rumbled underneath him with laughter. Rolling his eyes at his father's poor joke, Harry reluctantly left his father's side and started toward the wall between the train station and Hogwarts train.

"Remember, lean against it, no running."

"I think Lucius would hex us if we 'acted like those idiots Weasleys' his words, not mine," Harry explained as he leaned against the barrier.

But instead of phasing through it like he expected, he seemed to lean against a solid object that was blocking the entrance to the station.

"Well that's Peculiar," Percy muttered as he followed his sons example and tried it as well, no luck.

"Big words, Aunt Annie would be impressed," Harry sassed in payback for the earlier comment about curses.

"We don't call her Annie," Percy said with a horror-struck look on his face. Father and son gave equal measure of shudders before focusing back on the problem.

"What should we do?" Harry asked.

Percy thoughtfully looked at the wall, "Well, when others come and try we can see if they go through. If not, I'm sure someone from the school will come and figure out the wall. In the meantime, I'm going to call Severus. I know that he leaves his Summer Home three hours after the train leaves to get his classroom set up."

Harry just nodded and sat on the closest bench and calmed Hedwig and Eclipse before his father sat next to him, seeming to be far away from Hedwig and her now bad mood.

"I knew we should've let her out before we came here," Percy muttered as he clicked buttons on his phone, dialing a familiar number to the father and son.

Harry just huffed and fed his owl a treat to get her to calm down from the crazy station before replying, "You're the one who didn't want to leave her alone for a while. It was one time, you need to get over it."

"But my sock drawer, did she have to destroy all my socks?" Percy whined as he held the phone up to his ear.

You could tell the instant that it became connected to the other phone as Percy physically brightened, "Oh, Sevvy! How long must you stay away my precious one. No don't hang up! Yes I might've had some sugar. No, I'm not my on my way home. Yes. Well you, no, I didn't-- Ugh, fine," Percy finished with a pout before handing the phone to his son and standing up to expel some energy he seemed to be possessing.

"Hello?" Harry asked slightly uncertain, but mostly questioning why he had the phone now.

"It appears you father is far to incompetent at the moment to tell me why he was calling. Perhaps you can explain?" Severus asked

"Well, we're outside the barrier for the school train, and well, it appears that it's been blocked. While you were on the phone with dad, I noticed a few other people try it and aren't successful. Even the Weasley's tried and I'll admit, it was fun watching Ron run into the barrier."

"And the Weasley twins?" Severus rushed and sounded worried.

"Well, they're looking around with this look in their eye-- Hello?" Harry stared at the phone in his hand from the abrupt disconnection.

"Well that was rude, I should tell Lucifer..I mean Lucius and Tom. Or use it as blackmail to not have that talk with my dad...Nah I'll save the blackmail for myself," Harry finally muttered to himself and started watching the Weasley Twins.

Sharing looks of what seemed like mischief, the twins looped their hands around their youngest brothers shoulder and started to whisper in his ear.

Ron, it seemed like didn't understand that his brothers were pulling one on him, appeared to talk their brother into doing something, for he left the station after that while Mr.Weasley had to leave for his job, making Mrs.Weasley talking something over with Percy Weasley.

Just as he was about to get up and tell Mrs.Weasley that the twins might've done something, the teachers, headmaster, along with a few board governors with government curse breakers and warders, seemed to appear and cast Muggle Repelling things on the section of wall and started chanting on it.

There were a frown on their faces, but eventually they gave the all clear and to help with the traffic that managed to become of the situation, a few even apparated a few witches and wizards across the section of wall explaining apparition was temporarily down for maintenance and re-warding the platform.

When father and son duo finally managed to get across, they were met with Aurors who were making sure no one that was signed off to use apparition appeared, until finally Harry was able to board the train.

Already it looked like Jackson Luck might've been striking, but Harry was starting to feel doubtful that this year was going to be a quiet year.

But hey, maybe he might see a werewolf. That was on his wish-list at least.

Word Count: 1288

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