Chapter 50: What in Hades is the Dark Mark Doing at the World Cup?

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded


"I admit to being confused as to what we are doing, Bond-Mate," Regina said through their mental link.

For the most part, both Regina and Lunar are quiet when they're in their tattoo-forms, mostly because Harry hasn't told the ministry that he's found his familiars, and because it's hard to concentrate on the outside world while talking in his mind.

He's gotten better at it, but he still liked giving his attention to those that request it, and doesn't want to half-pay attention to people.

"We're heading to the party the Bulgarian National Team has invited me, us, to," Harry mentally told back to Regina.

"But why?" Regina asked, her old mind not understanding how this...event...would be fun.

"Because it's new and might be interesting. Plus, I need someone to make sure I don't drink any alcohol, that would be bad," Harry told her as he grinned at Krum when they met up just outside the Bulgarian locker rooms that he told Harry to meet at.

"Hello again, do you want me to just call you Viktor or what?" Harry asked curiously.

"Viktor is fine, so long as I can call you Harry in return?" Viktor asked with an amused look.

"Harry's fine. So, what exactly should I expect?" Harry asked curiously as he noted that Viktor's nose had gotten healed and there was no sign of a Bludger having hit it an hour before.

"There will be veela there, as they are our mascot, so you might become under their influence. Watch out for the Chasers Clara Ivanova and Alexei Levski as they both flirt with anyone on two legs, male or female. Lev Kograf our Keeper will start drinking pretty soon. Vasily Dimitrov our other Chaser and Team Captain will try and keep things under control. I mostly just talk with Boris Vulchanov one of the Beaters." Viktor explained as he lead Harry away from the Locker Rooms and to a room by the stadium. They passed some bedrooms before going to a sort of living room that was decked out in colors.

As Harry entered the room, he felt himself move through Silencing Wards as his magic reacted slightly and this his ears popped slightly as the DJ playing Electronic Dance Music (EDM) blasted through the room. It was like a small rave, Harry thought amusedly.

The Veela team were dancing around the room, Harry recognized Ivanova and Levski from the photos that Sirius has showed him dancing with four veelas around them, each of them holding a glass of what he assumed was Rakia, the Bulgaria famous alcoholic drink.

"Krum! Man, so glad you finally joined us. Is this the little dude that caught your attention?" Ivanova asked as he grinded against on of the veela before stopping and sauntered toward the duo.

"Hello, I'm Harry," Harry said with a grin.

"Dude, guys! This guy speaks Bulgarian!" Ivanova said with excitement.

"Ignore this clotpole," Another man said, Harry recognized him as Boris Vulchanov, the Bulgarian Beater as he pushed Ivanova away and toward his fellow drunk Levski.

"Dude! Not cool," Ivanova said with a pout.

Vulchanov just rolled his eyes and sighed. "Because I know you can't see it out of your drunk brain, the kid is like, half your age. Lay off man," Vulchanov.

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