Chapter 4: Classes

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I do not own the underlined passages, it's from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. That being said, I do not own Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Underlined - Quote from book

Harry thought that the first few days of getting use to the magical school was rather easy. After their initial first day at Hogwarts, the Perfects enlisted third years and seventh years to help the first years around.

Harry and Neville's mentors were Cedric Diggory and Nymphadora Tonks (who when insisted on being called Tonks, Harry called her Nymph and decided to face her wrath (though he just got amusement in return for his efforts)).

They helped the two get to their classes and avoid Peeves who was trying to stop their efforts of getting to class on time.

It also helped that Harry let Hogwarts guide him too. Sometimes, after dinner he would just walk aimlessly around and just connected with Hogwarts magic.

His friends always questioned his sanity whenever he would just be walking the halls with his eyes closed and let his hand glide against the wall, but he just gave them a smile and let the subject drop.

It was on his early morning walk that he first met the Caretaker Filch, but instead of earning the man's ire but saying something stupid or stuttering an excuse, Harry simply asked, "May I pet your cat?"

He watched as the Caretaker turned shocked and could only nod slowly and watch his cat (who was known to hate everyone but him) slowly melt under Harry's touch.

Mr. Filch watched his cat rub against Harry's legs and purred under his soft but amazing touch. Once he felt he pet enough, Harry stood back up and thanked the Caretaker for all the hard work he does.

The Harry let Hogwarts guide him back toward the hall where Madam Pomona gave him his schedule with a soft smile.

When he learned that he was going to take Astronomy, he had a giant smile the whole day and couldn't wait to learn about more stars. He was disappointed to learn though that he wouldn't have potions until Friday where it was doubled and with the Slytherin, which was fine by him.

Harry looked over his schedule and noticed that he had potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin while the rest of his subjects were with the Ravenclaws, other than flying which was with Gryffindor.

Harry was less excited about History of Magic, but after figuring out that he can smuggle two cups of coffee into the room, he was fine with paying attention and taking notes in his notebook from the actual textbooks.

Harry reserved judgement from his Charms professor who seemed just a bit too excited that he was finally at school (he did fall off his stack of books during roll call when he said his name).

But the subject Harry was most embarrassed about, was probably Transfiguration. How was he suppose to know his teacher was the cat that was sitting on the desk.

He just started to pet the orange cat that melted under his fingers until the bell rang where he finally took his seat and felt heat rush to his cheek as the cat turned into Professor McGonagall.

Harry did end up hitting his forehead into the desk which blushing with embarrassment, though the teacher was better at hiding it. He noticed the small blush she had which made him redden even more.

He was proud to admit that he was the first student to change their match into a needle perfectly.

He got it on his second try to the Professor's surprise, after that he started to help Neville and explained some of the concept behind the transfiguration and then attempt to help him (though it was harder because Neville didn't have a wand that was connected to him magically).

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