Chapter 23: Lockhart (As Usual) Makes a Fool of Himself

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Underlines - Quotes from the book

Information from book character is reading (Note: I made the information up)

Greek Spell

The news that Colin Creevey had been attacked and was now lying as though dead in the hospital wing had spread through the entire school by Monday morning. 

The air was suddenly thick with rumor and suspicion. The first years were now moving around the castle in tight-knit groups, as though scared they would be attacked if they ventured forth alone. (- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Page 185)

"Are we any closer figuring out what is attacking the school?" Harry whispered to Draco, Daphne, and Blaise who had taken to reading in the library through books around magical snakes.

"We've narrowed it down. We know the species is a Basilisk but without knowing what kind we don't know how to take care of it," Draphne said with frustration in her voice.

"What do you mean?" Neville asked as both he and Harry sat at the trio's table.

"Well, if it's a Queen Basilisk then there is no way to kill her, a King would mean finding a female one that won't take it as a mate because I doubt we could kill him, anything below that would need the crowing of a rooster. They all also make spiders flee which we have experimented and that's what seems to be happening here." Draco explained showing Harry the book they found.

"Where did you find this?" Neville asked with awe at seeing many dangerous animals listed.

We might have possibly gotten into the illegal section of the library with permission from Professor Snape," Blaise said calmly as he shifted slightly in his seat.

"Nice," Harry muttered as he continued to read the information.

While many think there is only one type of Basilisk, there are actually many. The one that is at the top of the tier list would be the Queen Basilisk. Nothing hurts her, she is the queen and is able to command all snakes to do her bidding to a degree. Her own venom will not hurt her, her eyes have a lidding making it possible for those to see her eyes before she lifts them to petrify her victims. Her scale are magic and weapon proof. Even a crow of a rooster will not harm her. She is the leader and will never die. Legends saying she will live thousands upon thousands of years before dying, and that is not before the birth of a heir that will reach adulthood. Her age will be reflected through her length as she will never stop growing, though there are legends that say they can control their size, it has not been seen/proven if true. In all, run if you find her. While she can be reasoned with by one who speaks Parseltongue, she cannot be controlled.

Then there is the King Basilisk, he is lower in tier then the Queen, unlike the higher tier, he can be controlled through dark magic and cannot control his eye lids. Similar to the Queen, his venom cannot harm his own if pierced through his scales. His scaling is magic proof but not to those of magical creatures and can be harmed through mortal weapons. While there is a chance of killing him with a group, it is not recommended. He can grow just two feet smaller then the Queen and cannot be reasoned with by those who speak Parseltongue. Can only be killed through mortal weapons or by the Queen of Basilisk if she does not see him as a suitable mate.

Finally the last tier which is the Normal Basilisk. Unlike the King or Queen, the stop at the size of  8 feet and can be killed through mortal means or with the crow of a rooster. The Normal Basilisks cannot control the lids of their eyes. They can be controlled easily by a Parseltongue or by means of the Queen. Sometimes when they reach adulthood a normal Basilisk can be identified as a Queen of King, but that is only if they are birthed by the King or Queen Basilisk. All Basilisk's hatched from a toad on a chicken egg are Normal Basilisks.

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