Chapter 46: The Godfather Oath and an Idiot Minister

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Note: the reason I underline and tell you what I quoted from the book is because last time I tried to quote something from books without really saying, the book got taken down (Percy Di Angelo anyone). I probably could get away with the disclaimer but I didn't feel comfortable just saying it and not tell you guys what parts I used from the books. It seemed like cheating and I didn't like it. If the underlined parts really bother you, than don't read this book. It's that simple. It's not something I'm going to change. I'm even doing it with Cyber Pack and eventually the Book 2 for this series (though Harry/Newt may have to wait until all movies come out which will be between 2024-2025. I might work on the prequel for this book until that time)

I do not own Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

Night of the Full Moon:

Percy finally found the oath he had been searching for the entire year. It seemed that he even before Harry was born, Potter Oaths have existed to the family for generations. He wasn't even sure that some of the Potter even knew of some of the oaths.

Going back generations was tedious, especially when all Percy wanted to do was just skip to the end of the oath list for anything concerning Harry, but because Potters have been well known for years, they had pages of oaths. Some even had (fulfilled) next to their name meaning the oath was null and void.

It was the reason that Percy had taken a whole year to figure out where Sirius Black and his possible oath would've been. But when he had found it, Percy felt a weight lift off his shoulders.

Finding and reading the oath himself, he knew Sirius wouldn't have hurt Harry, meaning he hadn't betrayed the Potters. Combined with the lack of trial, it was damning evidence that the ministry had a problem.

Grabbing the paper, he flooed to Gringotts to make a copy and then head over to Madam Bones who had handled his trial against Lockhart (where the man lost substantially and he reputation ruined).

He knew he could trust her to handle the trial that never took place and clear Black's name. As he entered Madam Bones office (after confirming she was working), Percy was surprised to see her moving about and grabbing a cloak mostly worn by Aurors.

"Where are you heading?"Percy asked kindly.

"There is news at Hogwarts concerning Sirius Black. Why have you come?" Bones asked in a tone that showed she didn't want any nonsense.

"Perhaps this might help. I highlighted the paragraph you need to read," Percy said as he handed her the Oath Document.

As Madam Bones looked it over, Percy noted her eyes widening but didn't have the substantial shock he was expecting, there was only a little bit.

"This coincides with the news from Hogwarts. It's been reported from the Deputy Headmistress that Peter Pettigrew is alive and that there is a claim that Black has a Godfather Oath. It seems the oath is correct, we'll see if Pettigrew is alive. You should probably join seeing as it's your family that is being affected," Bone said as she wrapped the Oath paper into her robes.

Percy flooed with Madam Bones to Hogwarts where Neville was with the Deputy Headmistress McGonagall, Regina was wrapped around his shoulders and a man was tied in front of the desk seeming petrified.

He was a very short man, hardly taller than Harry, Percy reckoned. His thin, colorless hair was unkempt and there was a large bald patch on top. He had the shrunken appearance of a plump man who has lost a lot of weight in a short time. His skin looked grubby, (unknowingly to Percy , it was similar to Scabbers's fur, and something of the rat lingered around his pointed nose and his very small, watery eyes) (- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Page 366)

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