Chapter 18: Teaching DADA and the Strange Ravenclaw

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Underlines - Quotes from the book

Harry spent a lot of time over the next few days dodging out of sight whenever he saw Gilderoy Lockhart coming down a corridor. Harder to avoid was Colin Creevey, who seemed to have memorized Harry's schedule. Nothing seemed to give Colin a bigger thrill than to say, "All right, Harry?" six or seven times a day and hear, "Hello, Colin," back, however exasperated Harry sounded when he said it. (- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Page 104)

But something that did come out of the week was teaching his first lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he worked hard thinking of lesson plans for the next few days, including any demonstrations he may want to do.

The first day he was teaching, he sat of Lockhart's desk, rolled up his sleeves from his robes and then the white button up shirt he had been wearing.

"Hello, class. Yes, I am Harry Potter and before you go all asking me questions, let's set some ground rules for inside and the outside of the classroom," Harry started explaining as almost all hands went up into the air at the mention of his name before lowering as he continued to speak.

"Before you ask me questions about the night my parents were murdered, I will tell you this once and I hope you keep it in mind. I do not remember that night, I will kindly ask you to not remind me of that night. Anything that happened is speculation because no one knows what my mother did to protect me from Voldemort's curse, so please do not presume to know what happened that night or presume to know that even I know. Outside of the classroom I am a student. Should you need help in an assignment, you can either find me in the library or put a note in the note box that the rest of the teachers put outside the room for this occasion. You may even disturb my lunch period if I am not eating anything."

"Now, I believe it's time to say welcome to Hogwarts, this is your first year and I will be teaching you through to your sixth year should I decide to not stay after my seventh year. Throughout the first year of Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts, or more commonly referred to as DADA, you will be learning defensive magic against the dark arts."

"This year, you will be learning curses and jinxes, along with creatures such as Hags, Red Caps, Vampires, Zombies, and Werewolf Bites. Don't get Werewolves Bites and Werewolves mixed up, as you will learn more in depth information regarding werewolves in either Grade 2, or Grade 3."

"Now, any questions thus far?" Harry asked and started answering the few questions that were given to him, such as house points, assignments, and how interactive the course was.

After answering the questions, Harry started the lesson off by telling the students that today was going to be a bit of boring day as all he was doing was explaining the history of the Dark Arts and therefore, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

While it should've been boring, Harry took note of how enthralled all his students were and how many questions they subjected him to.

At the end of the day, Harry sunk into the couch where he and his friends hunt out with the permission of Filch from their first year.

"Tired?" Draco asked amused at the state of their friend, his shirt was untucked, his tie just hanging off his shoulders, and one of his robe sleeves rolled down while the other one was up.

"The Ravenclaws, they ask so many questions," Harry murmured from his arm that was throw over his face to block out some of the light that was in the room.

"Yes, I believe I heard occasionally from Sprout how many Ravenclaws ask her questions, seems as the years go, it gets worse and worse," Neville said with a smirk as Harry just groaned into his arm.

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