Chapter 42: The Interesting Case of Sirius Black

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Image Above: Harry's Lynx animagus form

I do not own Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

"How do you think he found you," Neville asked Harry as they slid into their respected beds.

"I don't know," Harry said thoughtfully. Lunar and Regina had gotten out of their tattoo forms and were now hanging around Harry's bed, acting like guards to watch over the boys for the night.

Eclipse was peering at Snuffles and meowed softly. The dog seemingly boofed a reply as it jumped on Harry's bed and settled around his legs.

Harry sat up and pet Snuffles, still feeling the relief in knowing he was alright. "You should probably owl your dad that you found him," Neville said as he laid down.

"I will, right now I think we just need some sleep," Harry said as Eclipse walked over to Snuffles and rubbed the top of his head under his jaw, a soft purr coming from him.

The cat then settled down under the dog's head, seeming not keen to move. Neville swore he saw the dog look exasperated as he rolled his eyes before placing his head on the cat's body softly.

Neville shook his head, thinking he was mistaken as he rolled over to face the wall. His enchanted light source turning off immediately.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't be a mother hen," Harry muttered as he shifted so his legs wouldn't stab his dog in the ribs each time he shifted.

His enchanted light turning off as he settled, the magic reading the boys intention of going to sleep along with Hogwarts watching over her students and sometimes manually turning the light off herself so her children got the hint that sleep was needed.

Harry felt Lunar settle on his chest as he fell asleep.

It was weird though, Harry swore that during the night he felt Snuffles get off the bed and he swore he heard a door opening. Harry blearily looked up but shook his head, maybe Neville went to the bathroom or something.

It wasn't until morning that Harry felt a bit off, Snuffles had disappeared again and apparently Ron Weasley was attacked during the night.

Harry felt like something wasn't right. Snuffles appeared around his house around the same time that Sirius Black escaped Azkaban. He disappeared from said house around the time Harry started Hogwarts and he estimated the distance he wouldn't arrived to Hogwarts around the time that Black first attacked the Gryffindor Tower.

And now this time, when Neville and Harry had snuck the dog into their rooms, the dog instantly disappeared and another attack on the Gryffindor Tower happened.

"But if it was Black," Neville whispered to Harry during breakfast that night. They were whispering to each other and making sure no one else was hearing them, "then why didn't he kill either of us? He's had plenty of chances, so what's holding him back?"

"Guilt? I can't put my finger on it but something feels really wrong here," Harry whispered back.

He would love to talk to Draco about it but right now no tables were to mingle with each other as teachers sat at the head table. Though, Harry noted that half of them had disappeared and seemed to be on another search.

"I want answers," Harry whispered to Neville. "Something is really wrong here. If Black is Snuffles, then something else is wrong. He's had the entire Summer, most spent with just myself at my house with no witnesses, to kill me. There's more to this, I know it. I know I promised my dad that I wouldn't do anything stupid, so we won't. Next chance we get, I want to hit Hogsmeade library. They have books there that are restricted at Hogwarts, I want to know some," Harry said.

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