Chapter 47: Summer Year 3

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I do not own Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book

Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

Percy was shifting on the hospital beds that the healers at Saint Mungo's Hospital had set him in. He still felt faint, and a headache was blossoming in the back of his head, but all he wanted was to go home.

Madam Bones finally left after making sure he stayed in bed for two days, Harry was at school and finishing the last few days. He was aware that his father was in the hospital but after persuasion from his teachers, would visit him on his scheduled day out which was in two more days.

The problem was that Percy's ADHD was demanding him to move and not stay bed ridden. He was probably a really bad patient, but all Percy knew he really had to do was go home and grab his hidden Nectar and Ambrosia stash and just take a small bite of it and he would be as right as rain.

So, Percy shifted enough to dangle his legs over the bed, thank gods the wizardry hospital was slightly different from a normal one in regards to clothes. Because all the rooms had magic runes in them to keep them sterile and clean, and make anything in them that way, he didn't have to change into the gowns that Mundane Hospitals had patients wear. If the healers did ever need to get to his body, they use magic to vanish the clothes if need be.

With everything still on him (including his hidden knife), Percy shifted and put his weight on his legs. The headache became a pounding, and made it harder to concentrate, but Percy didn't want to risk his powers becoming unstable due to him not healing. They always acted up a bit when he wasn't feeling well. He can recall when he was thirteen and had gotten the flu for a week that every time he sneezed, water would shoot out from the faucet in the entire house. The one time he threw up during that time apparently one of the toilets had exploded.

That wasn't counting the time that he had a nightmare during his sleep because of a fever that he caused a minor earthquake in New York. Let's just say, Percy didn't want his powers acting up, even with the control he had because he was older. They always one way or another acted up when he wasn't feeling alright.

Putting his weight on his feet, Percy clutched the bed's headrest and steadied himself. He held in the dizziness that swam through his mind and slowly breathed through his nose.

Centering himself, Percy let go of the headrest and grabbed his jacket from the seat next to the bed. His vision blurred slightly but Percy was always stubborn as he grabbed his jacket and went through the motions of wrapping it around himself. Just as he fixed the cuffs, the Lethifold that had hidden itself in the corner of his room in the shadows settled along his shoulders.

"I'm not getting rid of you am I?" Percy muttered as he felt the Lethifold helped straighten his body to not accidentally fall over from the dizziness.

"Woah, Percy, what in Merlin's name are you doing?" Remus asked with a startled look as he came into Percy's room.

Percy examined his friend and current crush, noting the lack of dark circles around his eyes and that he seemed more content than the last full moon even with the pack. "You seem good?" Percy asked while subtlety changing the subject.

"Yes, well, I'm sure it's just a one time thing," Remus said uncertainly as his hand steadied Percy as he tilted just a bit too forward even for the Lethifold. "You need to rest," Remus worriedly said as he tried to lead Percy back to his bed.

"Which I can get at home. Please, Remus, I do not like hospitals. It makes me feel too confined which then makes my ADHD worse. They won't even let me do anything, I just want to go home," Percy said trying not to sound desperate. In truth, he really did just want to take Tylenol (or he supposed Ambrosia) to get rid of the headache and then just sleep for a week.

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