Q and A

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Q and A.

Totally_Weird: *claps hands together* hello reading Mafias am so glad you decided to read this p--

Lydia: Forget that intro shit, it's Christmas!!!

Stephanie: I hope you bought me something babe.

Lydia: I d-d-did *sweating*

Totally_weird: oh Jesus Christ, these kids are so rude.

Q) Stephanie how was your first sexual experience while you sober?

Stephanie: Objection!!!

Totally_Weird: Overruled.

Kieran: We not in court, we doing a Q and A.

Lydia: By the look on her face, I would say it was sexy, drilling and I wouldn't mind--

Stephanie: *Blushing a deep red* Stoooop!

Pearl: My little sister is becaming a woman *pinches Stephanie's cheeks*

Stephanie: *huffs* Next Question!!

Q) Whose story is coming up next?

Totally_Weird: Am afraid I cannot answer--

Stephanie: David!

David: Excuse me? Bitch! My life ain't some book.

Kieran: am voting for Steven.

Steven: noooo!!! My secrets are too precious--

Pearl: When are we seeing Kieran's shit?

Totally_Weird: Shut up!! *rubs head* Jesus these idiots.

Pearl: Who is the idiot here?

Emmanuel: Yeahhh I--

Totally_weird: Y'all know I made you and I can erase you.

Neddy: Forgive my babe, she's special *hugs Pearl*

Q) Isn't today the awards day for Mafias?

Totally_Weird: Yes, if you read the Nerd's Mafia you would know that in Christmas is the awards day for Mafias--

Pearl: *dancing like Billie Ellish in bad guy* and I won yet again.....Duh!

Kieran: and where's that chapter hoe? *Looking at the dancing Pearl weirdly*

Totally_Weird: it's going to be in one shots including the prank Pearl played on y'all in April's fools day.

Pearl: *stops dancing before laughing evilly* I did a number on y'all....fools.

Neddy: wait Pearl pranked y'all?

Everyone: *grumples*

Totally_Weird: wait if she didn't prank you? Then what did she give you?

Neddy: *blushing* h-h-hugs and k-kisses.

Totally_Weird: *raises eyebrows*

Neddy: next q-question *avoids eye contact*

Q) who is Stephanie's favorite singer?

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