Chp 15 - Shock

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Stephanie's POV


"So can you think of anyone who wanted this done to you?" Katie's father asked with a notepad and I shrugged helplessly before shaking my head.

"I think you're shaken... you should go home and rest."

I nodded before leaving with the pack of ice on my hand. Steven had called home and the SUV was already outside and ready so I entered feeling myself breath out shakily because I just needed to know who my virgin taker was not who tried to burn me alive.

Steven was thankfully silent during the car ride and he didn't even panick for once and I was grateful. When we arrived inside everyone was already in the longue with the TV on and by the looks on their faces, things weren't going well.

Neddy, Pearl, Kieran, Emmanuel and David.

"I sent you to fucking spy on her not relax!, Ohh the branch is so fucking lazy perhaps I should then get your story straight." Kieran was talking over the phone before dropping it when he saw me. I just pursed my lip before sitting on the mat with Steven who kept quiet.

"So..." I started when everyone was just silently looking at the pack of ice on my hand, it soothed the heat actually "I saw Daniel."

It remained silent for long until neddy stupidically asked that question.


"Father's second in command, he was there with this women when the gansta begin but the woman died." 

"Oh." He said quietly now.

"Is dad punishing us?" Steven asked which made everyone look at him "no am serious, is this because we didn't lay low?"

"I think the fire made issues even more hideous because he will definitely get worried." Kieran admitted "we don't need him here, this is our war."

"I don't think it's your father, I think it's like a reminder of how you killed one of theirs so it's more like you burnt our King and we also burn your Queen." Neddy said "I think perhaps your dad is secretly protecting you, the guy um Daniel came right after the fire."

"That could be a possibility but I believe there would be a sign if Daniel was protecting Stephanie."

All of this felt too heavy, literally too much. Am a teenager not a fucking woman who shouldn't be stressed about this, I should be a fucking player while reading some nasty nonsense or watching porn.

I wanted to have someone to hug me and tell me it would be okay that I wasn't alone in this because someone wanted me dead which means that the slaves would be happy and my family won't have any family issues.

I was tired of having to wake up early and boss people around or having to do all this uncessary thing, I just wanted to be loved but unfortunately my virgin taker was hiding from me.

"Stephanie... Stephanie... Stephanie!!"

I flinched but didn't look up instead I adjusted the ice on my painful hand knowing that I had to apply the cream they gave me.

"Mmmh?" I questioned.

"What did Daniel do when you saw him?" Emmanuel asked


"I still don't-- wait hold on." I raised my head when I heared Steven mumble in a hurry, he was holding the remote and pressing it.

"And the peace that lasted for a few days was distributed. Another body was found inside the gym when the fire was dispersed, the man suffered from bone cracking and his hand was cut off. It became clear that this person was killed before the fire and--"

Steven shut off the TV before breathing out in relief.

"I think Daniel is here to protect--"

"Am just going to leave." I mumbled before standing up.

"What?" David asked in suprise.

"Stephanie sit down." Kieran ordered but I shaked my head.

"As dominant as you are, am not going to obey. You weren't the one who almost burned to pieces and am tired." I said "for once I don't care."

I left the longue and went to my room and i made sure I locked. I wanted to talk to someone but I was too shocked, I wanted to say something about anything but I couldn't muster a single word.

I sat on the sheetless mattresses while shaking before I cried, I felt so alone in the world and my family didn't necessarily hug me like I wanted and needed.

Affection was rare but it was needed. We all had to be reminded somehow that you're special but who did that, even Pearl had no one until Neddy came around but I had no one but a virginity stealer. I applied the cream softly on my palm before painfully applying new sheets and I slept with a painful heart.

I woke up hours later due to my phone ringing.

I didn't check the caller ID, I just answered.

"Stephanie...hi?" My voice was definitely more quieter.

"Ah princess.. what did they do to you?"

"Father?... daddy am scared."

"Now, now Stephanie don't cry, you have to remember where and who you are."

"Yes." I whispered. Because I was expecting just nevermind.

"Stephanie.. your time will come. You're a Queen and the crown might be too heavy but the rewards are worth it."

I smiled slowly.

"I was just in shock."

"Good.. but have mercy on the cards you own or you might be broke."

I chuckled breathlessly.

"But I was thinking of buying you an--"

"No!... i mean I have a business-- um bye."

With that the call dropped and I chuckled.

Thanks dad.

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