I'll Pull You Back From The Edge

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Few days have passed since everything has happened with Gao and Mahoney, we were trying to figure out a plan with Fisk. We wanted to make sure that we had every angle covered because knowing Fisk he would be one step ahead somewhere. I was still trying to figure out why Gao looked at me so strangely but I couldn't figure it out. I was heading back to Matt's apartment to discuss our next step, could it be going after Fisk's money man Owlsley or it could be going after his right hand man Wesley. I made it to Matt's apartment, since it was the middle of the day I couldn't necessary enter through the roof without seeming suspiciously. I knocked on the door then waited for a moment until I saw Matt answering the door. He nodded allowing me in as I did and he shut the door moving back down his hallway to his living room. My eyes locked onto him as I got an off reading coming from him.

"Matt? Is there something wrong?" I asked watching him turn to me, I could see he wanted to hide it but he also knew he couldn't hide anything from me.

"These last few months...I've been trying to push away everyone I care about to keep them safe. Foggy...Karen...I even thought maybe I should push you away too but I knew you wouldn't walk away." he began I could see his face soften as he was about to break down but he was fighting it. His hands were closing into two fists on either side of him as my eyes dropped for a moment then lifted them again. "After what has happened...I've noticed that Stick was maybe right about something."

"Matt...Don't let Stick in your head. You know how that ends up." I answered seeing Matt give me a small nod that he knew but I could tell he wasn't done.

"After Nobu...when he left us half dead it got me thinking. How shitty we were that night...the kind of shit where you think you've seen the bottom of humanity and the pit just keeps getting deeper you know?" he explained I could hear his voice breaking slightly as I just nodded taking a step forward. His body started to shake slightly with his gasp of his breathing. "If you weren't with me I don't think I could take another step."

"Matty...I'm not turning my back on you." I replied moving towards him taking his arms into my hands seeing his body tremble a bit in my grip.

"Thea...I feel like I'm on the edge of that line. I'm afraid that I will have no other choice but to cross it to stop Fisk and it will end up destroying everything I have tried so hard to do in the beginning." Matt replied his voice breaking when my hand removed from his arm to brace his cheek rubbing it with my thumb.

"Then I will pull you back Matty...I will pull you back from the edge as long as you are there to pull me back too." I exclaimed using my other hand to pull him into a hug, his face caressing in the crook of my neck and his hands were braced around my back. My hand that was on his face was now stroking the hair on the back of his head until I pulled him back to look at him again. "I will not let you fall Matt. I promise." Matt's face lowered to mine again, his nose brushed against mine again and his lips touched mine again. The kiss was light and I could feel his sadness in them before he broke away pressing his forehead to mine.

"Stay with me..." he whispered I think I figured out where he was going with this as his lips met mine again but this time they were a lot more heated. His hands were pulling me closer and I could feel his tight body against mine. My arms pulled the jacket from my body dropping it to the floor as my hands ran up Matt's shirt twirling my fingers in his tie. I undid it ripping it over his neck throwing it somewhere behind me then pulled at the buttons until I exposed his chest to me then pulled it off his body then dropped it nearby. My fingers traced on Matt's bare chest as he pulled off my shirt until I found myself in his grip and he held me in his arms not breaking the kiss. Turning to his bedroom he led us into his bed and crawled on top of me, things were about to get really heated between Matt and I...really heated.

~~AwwwwwwOMG hahah~~

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~~AwwwwwwOMG hahah~~

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