Half Dead Reveal

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Matt's weight got heavier and heavier with each rooftop I got us to, my body was starting to crumble underneath the extra weight that Matt was adding onto me. I could feel the injury to my abdomen was starting to rip open more and more with each landing I made. Finally I managed to get us onto Matt's roof clutching the walls for stability which some of the blood streaked on the railing. I pulled Matt off from my body then began to drag him down the stairs into his apartment. At the last step I dropped the bow to the floor not caring where it landed. Once I got to his couch I lowered him until his body was pressed up and stable on it I pulled my quiver to the floor and collapsed nearby. With every last bit of strength I propped myself up against the wall gasping heavily allowing the pain to fill my body. Taking the zipper of my sweatshirt I pulled it down seeing it was soaked with my blood when I pulled it off then dropped it to the floor. Lifting my damp tank top I saw a large slash wound across my flesh, tracing my skin I could see it was a bit deeper then I thought. I looked over seeing that I had about three arrows left in my quiver as I pulled out one wincing with each movement. Soon I had an arrow in one hand and pulling out my lighter from my front pocket in the other. Flicking open the lighter I lit it and engulfed the flame onto the metal tip until I saw it radiate. Once it was ready I extinguished the flame I turned the arrow towards me. Using my free hand I grabbed another arrow placing it in between my teeth and pressed the hot arrow tip onto my wound. It singed my skin closing the wound on my stomach with the smell of burnt flesh hit my nose but I bit down hard against the arrow in my teeth. The pain was unbearable but I was a lot stronger to fight it off. Eventually I finished on the wound gasping with relief placing the hot arrow on his table and removed the other from my lips. I knew I needed to make sure I had no other injuries that needed my attention until I could hear a soft groan come from Matt. Looking over I saw some blood staining the couch and I remembered Matt's injuries. Pushing my sore body off the ground I moved to Matt's side taking him into my arms and pulled him to face me. Using my hands I pulled off his mask seeing some blood on the side of his face. I couldn't check for a concussion or a brain injury by his pupils because his blindness caused his pupils to become nonreactive anymore. Though I could check him for a fractured skull as I braced either hand onto either side of his skull. Bracing my fingers on top of his skull I began to tap them and run them down until I reached his jaw. My fingers danced across his jawline and thankfully I felt no injury to his skull or jaw. My hands then moved down the back of his neck not feeling anything poking but I did find broken ribs since he winced a bit when my hands touched them. He had two big slashes across his pecs and upper backside but a very deep one to his one side that needed to be stitched. Before I could stand up moving to where Matt's first aid kit I heard his front door being pounded onto.

"Matt? Matt! Are you awake?" Foggy's voice echoed as I whispered a small curse trying to figure out what I was going to do. All of our gear was everywhere and I couldn't be quiet enough to stash it with Foggy near the door. "Matt...I need to talk to you." I moved towards Matt trying to move him in a better position in case he would move.

"Matt...you have to wake up...Foggy is outside." I whispered into his ear as I tried to lift him from his position but his dead weight, heavily bleeding and injuries were making it harder for me. The door pounded again forcing me to jump dropping Matt from my grip and crashed into the table behind me. "Shit..."

"Matt! Matt! Are you okay? I'm coming in." Foggy yelled in panic as I dropped next to Matt when Foggy began to open the door from his end. My back pressed onto the couch when I heard the door open and Foggy entered the apartment. Looking over at Matt I saw he was starting to bleed worse as my free hand pressed into his abdomen getting no response from Matt which had me worried. The footsteps got closer as I closed my eyes for a moment until the footsteps stopped. Opening my eyes I looked over seeing Foggy coming into view staring straightly at me then at Matt. His expression went wide when he saw his best friend wearing the same getup as the vigilante. His eyes then turned to me, his mouth was gaped open and I knew he just uncovered a big secret. "Thea...?"

"Hi Foggy..." I replied watching his brow shift from surprise to pure anger, he just discovered that his best friend was The Man in Black and he didn't seem too happy to know that.

~~Oh shit the secret is out now.~~

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