Patching Up

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I didn't know even how to start with explaining what Foggy was seeing because I was focusing on Matt's injuries.

"What the hell is going on?" Foggy asked I was staring at Matt with Foggy behind me pacing with his hands waving over his head frantically.

"I'll explain everything after I stop the bleeding." I exclaimed using one hand to press onto Matt's wound while the other struggled to pull off his shirt.

"I'll call an ambulance." Foggy replied I turned to see he was pulling out his phone as I jumped to my feet snatching it from his hands before he could call anyone earning a confused look from him.

"You can't..." I answered watching his blonde brow lift up while I turned placing his phone down behind me.

"Why not?" he asked I wiped the brown strands of my hair from my face and tucked them behind my ears.

"This was caused by Fisk...and he controls everyone in power. If you call anyone and they see Matt as the Man in Black he's a dead man." I explained moving around the table until I was standing next to Matt hearing Foggy mutter to himself.

"What are we going to do then?" Foggy asked pinning both of his hands at the back of his neck when I turned back to look at him.

"I can take care of him...just help me get him onto the couch." I ordered watching him nod moving to Matt's other side before helping me lift Matt's unconscious form then placed him onto the couch. "There is a first aid kit under the sink...grab it for me." Foggy moved swiftly to the kitchen while I finally removed Matt's tight long shirt dropping it near my blood soaked sweat shirt. Foggy returned handing me the bag as I swiftly unzipped it and grabbed some medical supplies beginning to clean up the crusted blood around Matt's injuries. Once they were clean I began to thread the needle Matt had in the bag as I started to seal up the big gash to his hip. Foggy was sitting in the chair behind me tapping his fingers onto the arm rest as he was waiting to ask me the questions that were swirling inside his mind.

"Okay I'm going to long have you both been doing this?" Foggy asked finally while I kept my eyes focused onto the wound in front of me.

"Matt? Not sure. Me? A long time." I muttered taking the end of the string into my teeth cutting it then began to knot it so it wouldn't open again.

"Why do you do this? Go out at night and risk your life?" Foggy wondered I checked Matt's other wounds before checking my own.

"Because someone has too." I answered seeing the wound on my abdomen where I burned started to open again so I relaced the needle and began to stitch my stomach not making any faces.

"How are you doing that and not wince?" Foggy asked my eyes lifted to see his were wide when he was watching me stitch myself.

"Pain and I came to an understanding long time ago." I exclaimed finishing the final stitch and began repacking all of the medical supplies again.

"You must've gone through a lot with all of the scars you have." Foggy pointed out I saw his finger pointing at the many scars across my whole body.

"I survived a war...these scars hold memories of what I went through after I left the orphanage." I explained lifting myself with an ache on my chest as I limped bringing the bag back and placed it back underneath the sink before washing my hands free from the blood that stained them. Though my whole body was stained I knew I could borrow Matt's shower to wash myself. Taking a beer from the fridge I opened it and moved back to the living room I checked onto Matt again seeing he was resting comfortably. I handed Foggy the beer which he took without another word while staring at Matt again as I downed mine. "Look Matt will explain his side when he comes too."

"Where are you going?" he asked I was moving to Matt's bedroom before stopping turning to look over at him.

"To shower the blood off me and meditate so the healing process can start. Let me know when Matt comes too." I answered watching him nod before I left into Matt's room and found myself to his bathroom. I turned on the shower before looking at myself in the mirror, mixes of red and black were painted on my face. My hair was stained with red from the blood as I sighed stripping off my clothes and getting into the shower.

~~Well Foggy knows now but who knows how he will handle it

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~~Well Foggy knows now but who knows how he will handle it. Btw if I have any Arrow fans reading this did any of you guys see the reference I wrote? Lol ~~

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