Lethal Injection

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After a long day at the office I decided to stalk the Yakuza seeing what they were planning to do next after they lost the Black Sky. Matt was preoccupied doing his lawyer work to join me but I promised to just do recon in the shadows. There leader Nobu Yoshioka was heading to meet someone, he was enraged about losing the Black Sky so whoever he was meeting with would help us get information we needed. I was hidden in the shadows when I spotted Nobu talking to a man with glasses in Japanese. Lucky for me I was able to understand everything he said; one thing I learned from Stick was Japanese and Russian. Then out of the shadows I saw an outline of a bigger man who remained where he was, his voice sounded familiar and then I realized who it was. It was Fisk.

"My Black Sky is dead." Nobu yelled in full rage though Fisk just scoffed at his attempts of being angry.

"You asked that the docks and your transit path be clear of police interference. Did you observe any police?" Fisk asked that explains why no police arrived when the sounds of gunshots rang out at the pier last night.

"No..." Nobu muttered in annoyance I heard that Black Skies are extremely rare and it would be extremely difficult to find another. Nobu threatened Fisk in his native tongue before storming off, I was about to follow but noticed Fisk and his right hand man start to converse.

"We have another issue that just came to my attention." The right hand man began they were walking towards three black SVUs while I crept behind to still listen what was going on. "Detective Blake...he just woke up. Our contacts in the media tell us that it's gonna be tonight's lead."

"Has he said anything we need to be concerned about?" Fisk asked this was the police detective that Matt and I threatened to get the location to the Russian warehouse that blew up weeks ago.

"No, he's conscious but his injuries were extensive. I'm hearing he can't speak, yet. That changes, unlikely he's gonna be overjoyed we had him shot." The right hand man explained Fisk nodded they shot him for what? To set another example? To blame Matt and I?

"Well take care of him." Fisk ordered in which his right hand man pulled his glasses off shaking his head no to his boss.

"There's detail on his floor. Twenty four hour presence in case the man in the mask or the archer try to finish the job." The right hand man answered I tightened my hand on my bow as I muttered a soft curse at him.

"Any of them ours?" Fisk asked reminding me that he owned some members of the police, what was he up to?

"Not at the door...if they go in then it will be noticed." The right hand man reminded Fisk nodded his mind looked like it was racing with possible ideas.

"What about his partner, Hoffman?" Fisk wondered the right hand man nodded which told me that they planned to use Hoffman to kill Detective Blake. Detective Blake would have answers Matt and I needed to stop Fisk before he could do anything to our city. I needed to tell Matt, I silently slipped away and raced across the rooftops back to Matt's apartment. By my phone it was nearing ten at night which meant he would be there and probably suiting out to join me. I moved down the roof access stairs seeing Matt emerge from his bedroom lacing his mask to his head.

"I just saw Nobu with Fisk...he's pissed about the Black Sky." I started seeing Matt shrug as he began to pull on his black gloves.

"That's on Stick." He answered I nodded moving towards him placing my bow behind my back when I stood in front of him.

"I also saw Fisk...news has come that Detective Blake has regained consciousness and Fisk wants him taken out before he can say anything incriminating about him. He's getting his partner Hoffman to do it tonight, we have to get to the hospital before he does." I explained watching Matt nod pulling down his mask as we hiked back up the stairs to the roof and began racing our way to the hospital where Detective Blake was. I learned that Blake was in Room 450 which was diagonally down from our location.

"How do we get down there?" Matt asked I chuckled pulling out a grapple arrow from my quiver angling it above the window and fired it. It hit the glass as I laced the grapple to the scaffolding behind and gave Matt the hook to use. I used my bow to slide us to the window, Matt pried it open and we both slipped inside. Unfortunately Hoffman got to Blake first injecting him with something and Matt reacted knocking Hoffman out. I braced my hand to Detective Blake's chest then took the syringe that was on the side. Tracing it across my nose I knew what it was; Pancuronium bromide as I tossed it to the side and watched Detective Blake choke on the air that wouldn't enter his lungs.

"Listen to me...Hoffman injected you with Pancuronium Bromide...the lethal injection drugs. I can't do anything to stop it, I'm sorry but you are going to die." I explained seeing his wheeze clutching his throat as I saw Matt move up behind me after he blocked the door with a chair. "You can make the man responsible for this pay for what he's done. Tell me everything you know about Wilson Fisk."

"Hoffman! Open the door!" Someone yelled on the other side of the door, I looked at Blake who nodded to me as I bent down to his face. He whispered everything he could to me just as I moved my face to look him in the eye.

"I promise you that we will stop him...we will avenge you." I whispered watching him nod until he stopped breathing going limp in the bed. The door behind me started crashing as the cops were trying to get in.

"We need to go." Matt replied I nodded pushing out the window with my bow as I heard Matt follow behind me. Detective Blake was dead...Fisk was responsible and now he was going to pay.

~~Fisk is tying up loose ends can Matt and Thea stop him?~~

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~~Fisk is tying up loose ends can Matt and Thea stop him?~~

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