High Pain Tolerance

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I don't know how long I was unconscious before my eyes snapped open and a hard cough escaped from my lips. My chest ached from the bits of debris that fell onto me, lifting my head from the floor I saw the burning building before me with dazed images of the flames dancing. I tried to lift my right arm but I couldn't move it, I winced when I looked over I could see it was shifted the wrong way.

"Fuck!" I muttered rolling to my good side where I saw Matt laying underneath the guard he was fighting and the door. With every ounce of strength I had I pulled myself to my feet seeing my right arm sag limp to the side. Avoiding the debris I made my way to Matt using my free hand to push off the door and unconscious guard from Matt before bending down at him. I started to shake Matt with my hand coughing a small bit from the smoke that was in the air. "Matt...Matt wake up!" He eventually gasped moving from where he was as I sighed with relief that he was okay.

"What happened?" He coughed sitting up as I ran my fingers through my hair then saw a bit of blood that came from the edge of my hairline. My hood was down but no one was around to see us especially with the clouds of smoke covering us.

"The warehouse blew up...I have a good feeling that civie wasn't so innocent as we thought." I exclaimed taking his one arm with my good hand and helped him to his feet as I saw my staff on the floor across the way. I bend down to pick it up before I winced a small bit when I picked it up.

"Something wrong?" Matt asked from behind me I put my staff inside the quiver before turning to look at him cradling my limp arm in my grip.

"My shoulder popped out...I need help putting it back into place since it is out of my reach. Do you mind? I'll tell you what to do." I begged Matt nodded moving up to me as his hands traced my dislocated shoulder lightly so he wouldn't hurt me. He took my wrist into one hand and held my shoulder with the other waiting for me to tell him what to do as I pulled an arrow from the quiver. "Okay...when you are ready. Apply some pressure on top of my shoulder then shove my arm upwards. Once you hear it pop then shift it forward to realign it and once you stop hearing the popping noise you know you got it."

"Okay." He muttered I placed the arrow in my mouth to brace myself and with quick movements Matt did exactly what I told him to do not even making a whimper but I was also biting the arrow really hard. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I got a high pain tolerance." I whispered removing the arrow from my lips placing it back into my quiver before removing my staff again. Matt was still holding my bad arm stroking his thumb across my arm for a moment. Before Matt could say anything to me we heard some yelling going on inside the building, there was survivors hopefully one was Vladimir. Eventually we got out answers when one of the survivors yelled Vladimir's name and he responded that he was okay. "Guess he also has a high pain tolerance..."

"Let's go." Matt replied I nodded as we both headed in the direction where Vladimir's voice led Matt too; we had to get to him first before anyone else could. This explosion wasn't a coincidence, it had to be related to Fisk in some way and if it was then Vladimir was about to walk into another trap.

 This explosion wasn't a coincidence, it had to be related to Fisk in some way and if it was then Vladimir was about to walk into another trap

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~~Well lets hope Vladimir has the answers they need. Next part will be posted in a bit.~~

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