19 - hot/cold

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We drive for hours, just to end up in front of a quaint wooden house with a red fence. There are elaborate windows that showcase the beautifully decorated inside, where a fire blazes in a stone fireplace. It is similar to a log cabin. Every piece making it look like it was built beautifully out of giant versions of the logs you stacked as a kid.

"Alright, c'mon. We can get the suitcases later," Jessie smiles excitedly.

There is a stable, barn, she'd, and everything expected on a farm. It is further from the house than I thought it would be.

"Are you coming?" Hunter smiles, a question in his eyes.

Suddenly, a fucking chicken flys out of nowhere. I scream. Loudly.

It flaps against my legs, making scary noises as it attacks my shoe.

"Jaime," Hunter laughs, "Jaime. Hold still, you're scaring her."

"I'm scaring her?! She flew out of nowhere and scared the shit out of me!"

Hunter lifts up the chicken and pets it softly, laughing still but trying to cover it up.

"Do you want to pet her?" He teases.

"Nope," I walk right past him onto the porch.

Everyone else is holding in laughter, even Remy. He doesn't even have emotions.

Jessie rings the doorbell, biting her lip while the corner of her mouth fights to smile.

Seconds later the door opens, it is a girl who is taller than me. Her body is a strong hourglass, thick hips and butt and possibly an even thicker breast. She looks like someone ties her waist so tight that it is squishing her insides.

I look at her corn-colored hair, blue eyes, and freckles. She is pretty, not too much of a country girl.

Then I see the boots with the American flag on the sides.

It takes everything inside of me not to walk all the way back to Washington.

The rest of her outfit consists of a black tank-top, a green cargo jacket, light washed boot-cut jeans, and the boots. Not combat boots, not stripper boots, fucking cowgirl boots.

"Aunt Jess! How are you?" She scoops up a much smaller Jessie in a tight squeeze

Her voice is even country. With a twang that won't ever get worn-out. She talks as if she runs one hundred head of cattle a day.

"We have been alright, Hannah. I'm so happy to be here. I haven't seen you since last Christmas. You've gotten way taller than before?"

Hannah laughs and pulls away, like it's a joke that she is a giant.

Her eyes meet Remy's, Hunter's, Luke's, and Eli's with a smile. Then she looks at me and her smile faulters.

"Hannah, this is Jaime," Remy surprisingly introduces.

"Jaime? You aren't from around here are you?" She chuckles softly, but her words kinda feel like a jab.

Hunter speaks before me, "He is actually from L.A."

"Really? Big difference is there? Well, as long as you can lift a pan, shovel, or tend to animals, you'll do just fine here."

I feel a little threatened by her statement. Thankfully Jessie ushers us inside.

My jaw drops at the beautiful decor. There are maple colored wooden floors, an elaborate staircase, chandeliers, a breakfast bar, a huge flat screen, you name it. The fireplace however, is the main attention. Right in front of it is a rug.

Jamie (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now