11 - better safe

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Ever since my conversation with Hunter, I have been efficiently avoiding him. Thankfully, this has proven to be easy. He doesn't have my number so he can't text me and the only time I'm forced to see him is dinner.

It has given me time to think too. Without a charming and alluring boy under your skin, it is easier to focus. For instance I have been able to consider my options on how I can help Andréa.

The sun beats down on my face inside the rust-bucket of a vehicle. The torn and over-stuffed brown leather burns my legs beneath me. Stained glass, broken windows, and a missing headlight, all belonging to "Stella"... Andréa's Mustang.

"Are you even listening to me, scricciolo?" He sighs, after repeating himself again for yet another try.

"I'm sorry what? I have been stuck in my head all day."

"As if your thoughts are that interesting," He scoffs playfully, "What are you thinking about? Homework?"

"Guilty," I obviously lie.

It is obvious to the both of us that I never bring homework home. Since I only have a handful of friends, it is easy to finish all my work in class.

"No I was just thinking about Collin," Which is partially true.

The fact that he already hates me is making it hard to want to help Andréa. Don't get me wrong, the E-Boy punk hybrid and I are friends. It is just that I feel the intense ache for my foster family to love me. Eli and I have been doing well since I help him with math, although he is a genius. I wouldn't be surprised if he is just using the whole thing as a cover up to talk to me. Luke is easily in love with me too. Sometimes I play dolls and dinosaurs with him (even though he doesn't let me touch the blue Barbie or purple dinosaur!).

Jessie and Remy like me. At least I hope so. Yesterday I swear I overheard the word adopt. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get excited.

In the end it all comes down to Collin and Hunter.

Collin has hated me since day one. Why? I don't know, but something tells me helping someone steal his girlfriend won't help.

And Hunter is acting like nothing happened. He ignores me as much as I avoid him. Despite how much I crave to ask him how he is, I can't bring myself to. The thought of falling g for him completely scares me too much.

"Well text or call me when you figure the entire thing out?" His thick accent kicks in.

His voice reminds me of a deep salted caramel. Rich, sweet, yet salty. The type you bite into even though you know it is bad for your health. From what Andréa has explained, he is Italian and Latino. With his deep and delicious features, it is clear that he isn't lying.

"Alright," I smile at him but he grabs my sleeve before I am get out.

"And Jaime?" He calls out to me with a suddenly deep voice, "You can talk to me."

I free,e then smile with a nod, "I will see you soon."

With that he sends me a gruff nod, deciding to leave right then and there inside the gray tin can.

I pivot and walk up the footpath to the large home. I notice the potted flowers resting on the steps and feel a home vibe flow through me. The strange thing is, I have grown used to the warm feeling inside.

I swing open the door then I am met with silence.

"Hello?" I call out to nobody in particular.

No answer.

"Is anyone home?" I step inside whole the door shuts with a soft thud.

Making my way to the kitchen, startling a very casual cute dressed Jessie. Her natural hair flows down past her shoulder blades in healthy ringlets.

Jamie (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now