Chapter 31 Wedding part 1

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My alarm went off. Some body shut it off. "Come on Emma! We have to get you ready!" Carrie said.

I mumbled about getting up at 4 in the morning. I mean don't get me wrong I am a morning person but not a 4 o clock morning person. Her, Maranda, Lin , Britt, and Lauren grabbed me and got me up. We had all stayed at B's house. While the boys stayed in a hotel.

"Here." Lin handed me a robe. "Go take a shower." I nodded. I went and took a shower.

I was happy but nervous. What if B gets cold feet and doesn't want me to be his wife. I finished showering and got out still worried. I saw a note by my sink. I flipped it open and read..

Dear, Mrs. Gilbert,
That sounds so sweet and rolled off the tounge so easy. I love you so much! I can't wait to see you in white. I will be the one waiting for you.
Love, Mr. Gilbert.

After reading that note I wanted it to be right now. The girls came in and did my hair and make up. "Ok and done!" The girls said. I opened my eyes. My eye brows were darker. I had eye shadow that was a light gold color. With red lipsticks. My eye lashes popped out. My hair had a fish tail braid in the middle with all my other hair curled. 

"Oo guys it looks so good! Thanks guys."

"Let's take a picture!" Lauren said. She pulled out her phone. We all got together and took one.

"The truck should be here soon!" We all got changed into sweats because our dresses were at the church. A lot bit later we heared a  honk. We all got in. We soon got to the church. We all changed into our gowns. My maid of honor was Carrie. My mom came in. Tears flowed down her face.

"You look so beautiful." She came over and hugged me.

"Mamma please don't cry or I'll start crying."

"Don't you dare start crying." Soon we were all lined up to walk down the isle. Lauren and Thomas went, than Luke and Lin  went, Britt went down with Ben because Jason was his best man. Mairanda went with Jess. Carrie with Jason. Kolby came and put my arm through his.

"Are you ready?" I had asked Kolby to give me away. He gladly agreed.

"Yep." The song came on and we made our way down. I looked up at B. His mouth was in a smile. His eyes had a shine to it. Soon we were there. I handed my red and orange roses to Carrie. Soon it was time for our valves.

"Brantley you go first." The preacher said.

"Emma, we have had our rough patches. Us not talking for 5 years was a big one. When you left you took my heart with you. I love everything about you. I just so happy that you said you would marry me. I've never wanted another girl. I always wanted you. I can't wait tell I get to say Hello Mrs. Gilbert." Tears started running down my face.

"Good thing we put waterproof mascara on her!" Maranda yelled. Everybody laughed.

"Emma your turn."

"Brantley when every some thing good happened those 5 years I wanted to call you. I would hit that call button. Anyway, I never dated anyone else all I wanted was to be with you. I've watched us grow up together. I love you more than life it's self. I love everything about you. Your smile. I love the bad boy side, the sweet side, every side. And to be honest I was planning this since I was 7. And you were always the guy that I was getting married to."

"Brantley do you take Emma to be you lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He slid the ring on my finger.

"Emma do you take Brantley to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do." I slid the ring on.

"By the power in me I know pronounced you Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Gilbert! You may kiss the bride!"

A/N how cute! Only part 1! part two is on its way ;)

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