Chapter 11 Barbeque

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Since me and the boys got to go hunting, all the wifes wanted to go shopping. Eww. After breakfast they talked about where they wanted to go as  I cleaned up. "Me and B need to go to the store for food for tonight." Tonight we were having a barbeque. B's family was coming, my mom, Teri and Mike, and friends. Once the girl figured out where they wanted to go we were off. Me and B went to Costco.  I was throwing things in that we needed as B drove the cart. I turned to go down the cake aisle when B rushed passed me.

"I want a chocolate cake!"

"Ok calm down we can do chocolate. What kind of frosting?" He thought fully rubbed his beard be for taking a can down and throwing it in the cart. We got done and checked out.

"Hey babe I know how much you hate shopping, would you rather just go home?" B asked getting in the truck.

"Yes please I hate shopping."

I had finished frosting the cake when the shopping group came through the door. All the boy looked either tired or like they were going to kill someone. All the girls looked they were ready for round 2.

"Did y'all have fun?"

"Yes but were sad because you didn't come." Lauren said pouting. 

"Aww sorry. I'll come next time." I said putting the cake in the fridge. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When B came in. He caught me by the arm.

"Hey calm down darlin."

"I am calm. Shit I have to get my mom." I said looking at the clock. I started to the door. B caught me again.

"Don't you remember that my mama is going to pick her up?"

"Ooo my god know I remember. Thanks B for not letting me lose my mind. I love you." I stood on my top toes and kissed him. To soon it ended.

"I love you now go get ready."

"                                                 *****

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I got ready in the clothes I had setted out. I finally had a free moment so I got on social media. Facebook and Twitter  was boring.  I went on Instagram and looked at the stories. When B's appeared it was me singing. I was going to beat him. I went out into the back yard. The barbeque was in full swing. I went and found  B at the grill. 

"Why did you video me singing?" He gave me a sly grin.

"Because you sound really good and I love you."

"Your lucky I love you or I would be beating you now." He rolled his eyes as I went to find my mom. I saw her sitting with mama Becky and Carrie.

"Carrie! Miranda!" I ran over and gave her a hug.

"Hey Emma. I was just telling your mom that you are hosting with me." My mom sent me a glare that I don't tell her.

"Surprise! I was just coming to tell you." Teri and Mike came over to us. "Hey Teri I would like you to meet Carrie and Miranda." They said hello. We all talked and laughed. The sun had set a while ago. I saw a truck pull in. I saw the one person I hated get out. Blake Shelton.  B came and took my hand. We all stood in a line B behind me and Carrie beside me.
A/N Sorry it was so short but what will happen with Blake and Emma?

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