Chapter 9 hunting

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I woke up to B arms around me. I was so exited for today. I wiggled out of his arms and particle skipped to the bathroom. I throw my shirt on and my pants. I went down stairs tip toeing. I started the coffee pot and grabbed 8 mugs. I also put sugar and two different types of creamer. I made my way back to my bed room. B was still asleep. I decided to be nice and let him sleep for a bit longer. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and  put it in a braid. It was 4:10 when I went over to the side that B was sleeping on.

"B!" Snore. "B!!" I said louder and shaking him. He mumbled a little.  "If you don't wake up I'll leave your butt here." He sat up rather quickly because he knew I would. "That's what I thought." I smiled as I kissed him.

"Are you going to to wake our guests up?"

"You beat." I said as I closed the door. Earlier this morning I had found a air horn. This was going to be fun. The first room was Luke and Lin. I cracked the door up just enough for the horn. So I stuck it in a pushed the button. "Boooommmmm!" I headed Luke curse. I laughed and shut the door. I did it to the other rooms. Thomas swear too. Jason had thrown a pillow but he was too slow. I was still laughing as I went down stairs. I fixed 2 cups of coffee.  One was for B it had a dash of creamer. The other one was mine with creamer and a lot of sugar. B came down first looking really good in his camo.

"Here." I handed him his cup. He took a drink.

"Ahh. Thanks babe. So how did you  wake our guests."

"You'll see." I heared heavy boots steeps with lighter one behind them.  I stepped behind B.

"That bad?" He asked.  I smiled. He smiled and shook his head.

"Alright where is she?" Luke growled.

"I don't know why? What did she do to y'all?"

"That girl of yours woke us up with a blow horn." Jason said.  B started laughing. I stepped out from behind where I was hiding.

"Pank war this year are going to be interesting." We all gathered and loaded up our coffee and guns. We headed out around 4:45. I got in and turned on the radio. I was so exited that I couldn't sit still. I was bouncing my leg, wiggling in my seat. I was drumming my fingers on my leg. B must have gotten tired of it because he grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through mine.

"Are you excited?"

"Nope not at all. Couldn't tell hun?"

"Not at all baby girl." He said winking. We got to the spot we were hunting at. I stepped out and got my case out. I grabbed my 270 rifle out. We all gathered in a group. "Yall wanna have a contest?" I asked.

"Ya!" "Alright we are teams our spouse. Now we all to find a place. Biggest buck wins. It will be for 2 hours."

"What's the prize?"

"We can have the winner decide. Alright ready... set... go." And we were all off. Me and B ran to his blind. We got there and got ready. We sat there for about half an hour. When a giant buck came out of the trees. It had an 8 by 7 rack.

"Alright babe when you ready." B whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and got my gun ready. I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. I hit it right in the heart. It dropped it. I jumped up. B swing me around and hugged me.

"Way to go baby!"

"Thanks babe." I grabbed my backpack and took my knife out. I went over to the deer and gutted it. B stood beside me.

"Done!" I said putting my knife down throwing my hands up. B laughed.

"You know I never got you back for wake me up and threaten to leave me at the house." He said wipping  mud on my face.

"Your so on B." I grabbed a hand full and throw it at him. It hit him in the arm.

"Now your playing with fire baby girl." He said throwing mud back. It hit me in the back. I grabbed a hand full and snuck up behind him. I then swiped it across his face. I ran knowing he would get me back. I keeped looking back when I ran into something hard. I looked up and it was B. He put a big glub on my head.

"Ok truce." I said laughing. I got my phone out and snapped a picture. 

"Ooo crap! We are suppose to be at the meeting spot in 10.  Lets go!"

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