Chapter 8 Concert part 2

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She looked and winked at me. Ooo dear Lord this was going to be interesting. The first one in line was Jason. She went up to him shaking her hips as she walk. She and Jason talked a little as Britt scoffed and swore under her breath. We were all on edge now. She walked on to Thomas.

As she talked she made her brest jiggle. Lauren mumbled what a slut she was. She made her way over to Luke. They talked as she smiled and played with her hair. Lin was seeing red and not in a good way. She started towards her but Lauren and Britt stopped her. She made her way over to B. She swerved her hips and hair. She walked with an extra bounce in her step to make her brest go up and down. I swore as she made he way to B. They started talking.

Than the little bitch started touching his muscles. I got off the wall and headed towards them. All the girls were so shocked that they let me go. That girl was going to get it. My hands started to shake. B moved her hand away. Than she saw me coming. She locked eyes with me and gave me a smile. She than stood on her tip toes and kissed him. I heard gasped all around the room.

Now I was seeing red. I walked over there. B had pushed her off and she had a shit eatting grin on her face. I went up to her and grabbed her arm. I dragged her outside. All the girls and boys came running after me, but they knew better than to stop me. Or they would be next. I felt her other hand pushing at my hand.

"Let go your hurting me!" She wined. I dropped her hand. She fell back and rubbed where my hand was.

"Why did you kiss my boyfriend?"

"Humph." She scoffed.

"Wow he could do so much better than you. Like me. Haha where did you come from? Under a rock." She started laugh.

I swung and my fist collided with her fake nose. She crouched down on the ground holding her nose. I smirked. I know it's horrible, but god forgive me. She got up and tried  to hit me. I dodged to the side. I throw my right hook. It took her down. She was laying on the ground. I heared all the girls cheering me on. I bent down and locked eyes. "Next time pick some who's ass you can kick." I was going to punch her again when I felt a pair of arms pick me up and throw me over my shoulder. I looked back as security came and forced her out.

"B! Let me down!" I said pounding on his back.

"Not till you come down darlin." He said in a gruff voice. The girls came behind me.

"Way to go Emma!" I laughed.

"I could have done better if some one hadn't stoped me. I pointed at B. All the girls laughed.

"Well I'll see you at the house." B put me in the truck and slammed the door. Was he mad at me? I didn't do it any thing wrong. Well.... ok maybe I did beat her up and threaten her but still I was protecting what is mine. B got in a started the truck.

He hit the gas and we headed out. Luke and Lin  were behind us. Than Thomas and Lauren behind them and  bring up the rear were Jason and Britt. Between me and B there was silence.  I couldn't take it anymore so I turned on the radio. Dirt by Florida George Line came on. I mouthed the words. B just keeped looking at the road with his jaw clenched. I turned the radio down.

"B are you mad at me?" He looked at me and brusted out laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What's so funny?"

"You are baby! I wasn't expecting you to do that!" I started laughing with him.

"Well when some one startes touching some thing that belongs to me."

"Dang baby you got her!" We were still talking and laughing about it when we got to the house.

We all got out and unloaded our trucks. I was reaching in to the bed to get my bag when B came and grabbed it. I tried to take it from him. "B I got it."

"No way darling I got it." He said with his southern draw that makes me weak in my knees. I rolled my eyes and agreed because I knew that I wouldn't win. We all meet at the front door. 

"Dang Emma you can hit!" Luke said with a chuckle.

"Yep! Y'all are lucky you didn't try to stop me. You would have got some of this." I said punching the air. Everyone started laughing.

"Well I hate to say this but I'm glad you did that or Lin  would have done it." I laughed as nodding yes. B opened the door and we all stepped in.

"Dang B this is beautiful." Lauren said.

"Well let's find y'alls rooms because where going hunting in the morning." I said with a cheer. B showed them to the rooms.

Thomas and Lauren were in a  blue room. Jason and Britt were in a almost mint green. And Luke and Lin  were in a light yellow room. We all said good night as me and B went to our room. His room was awesome. It's was a light brown. A king size bed was in the middle. A dresser was on the wall.

"Dang B this is beautiful." The chandelier was made out of horns.

"It's not much there's a bathroom through that door if you want to shower.

"Ok I think I'll do that." I picked my bag and took it with me. He smiled as to say ok. I walked through the door and my jaw hit the floor.

There were 2 sinks by each other. There was stone cabnits. There was a big shower and next to it was a big bathtub. I set my bag on the toilet. I took my shampoo,conditioner, and  body wash. I found some towels and hung them up. I stripped and got in the shower. I wrapped the towel around me and went to my duffle bag. I pulled on my underwear and shorts. I looked around for my pj shirt. Crap I had forgot it. I looked around trying to find some thing.

I found another door. I opened it and it was his closet. Thank the Lord. I made my way in and found an old shirt. It had been washed so many times the color was faded. I brushed my hair and went back to the room. I found B laying on the bed playing with his phone shirtless with sweat pants on.

"Hey that's my shirt!" He smiled the smiled that I loved.

"Ya I know I forgot mine. I said laughing. I went  climbed into bed.

"Goodnight B."

"Night babe." He hummed a song as I fell asleep.

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