Chapter 16 Lonely

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"Ain't nothen better than us Georgia Peaches!" I sang loudly. I loved that song. Lauren Alania and I wrote that song. Right know I was on the free way headed to Nashville. Carrie wanted me to be the 2 months in advanced. I finally talked her down to 3 weeks. B, Kolby, Mama Becky,  and my mom would be flighing in next week. For the time being I was going to stay with Miranda and when B got here and the others, I would pick them all up and we would stay at B house.

I need some gas and was hungry.  I was about half an hour away. So I stopped at a gas station. I filled up and went into the store. I went in and a little girl stopped me. "Your Emma! Omg! I love your songs and I love you. You and BG make such a cute couple!" She was going about a mile a minute. She finally stoped to take a breath.

"Awe thanks sweety! What's your name?"

"My name's Erin Green."

"How old of you?"

"I'm 12. I would love to start to sing professional!"

"That's cool almost a teenager. So you want to  sing?"


"Can you sing me something?" I heard Something  Bad on the radio. "Do you know the song that came on?" She nodded her head yes. "Ok. Wanna try it?" She nodded and took a deep breath.

She sang along with it. Damn she had some pipes. The song finished and she looked scared to death. I dug around in my pocket. A lady walked up to us which I think was here mom. "You most be Erin's mom." I said putting my hand out. She nodded and shook my head. "Well I'm going to be in town for about 3 weeks and I would love to write you a song and have you come in and recorded and make an album." They both looked at each and started screaming and jumping around. "I take that as a yes?" I said laughing.

"Yes!!" I handed her my card.

"Can I get your number?" I found a small paper and wrote her number down.

"Ok I've got to get going but I'll talk to y'all later." I said wave and going to pay for my things.  I made it to Miranda's house. I got my bags out of the back and went up to the door. Before I even knocked the door was opened and I was pulled into a bear hug.

"Can't.... breath...." She let go of me.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so happy that your here."

"I am too!" She led me to my room. I dropped my stuff instead of putting it away. I walked and sat down and we talked all night. I saw it was getting late. "Ok I think I'm going to go to bed."

"Alright night."

"Night." I went to my room. I slipped on some sweatpants and a over sized short that I stole from B. I found my phone and called B. It rang for a few until he picked up.
  (E- Emma B-Brantley)
B Hey baby how's it going?
E Its going good. I met this little girl today
B ooo yeah?
E yes she told me that me and you make a good couple and she loved me
B Well we do make a good couple
E Any way she said she would sing professional so I had her sing  any way she sang and dang she has some pipes
B How old is she
E 12 anyway I told her that I would write her a song and have her recorded it and make an album
B wow your so nice and you say anyway a lot
E haha so funny b... I'm going to make her a star
B  I bet you are babe. Hey have you seen my AC/DC shirt?
I looked down that was the shirt I had on.
E nope haven't seen it
B babe your a bad lier
E I know
We talked for a bit longer before hanging up. I missed him so much.

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