Chapter 27 Thanksgiving

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" This is my favorite holiday. I can't wait for every one to get here." I said mashing the potatoes.

"I know baby. You always get way out of hand." He said chucking. We were having it at B's house because it was the biggest house. My mama, Mama Becky, Kolby, his girlfriend Jane and PJ were all going to be here.

"I do not." I put the spoon down so Trig could lick it off.

"Why don't you go set the table?"

"Why?" He drawled out.

"Because I asked you too." I said blinking my blue eyes.

"Ok. Alright you win." He came over and kissed me.

"Thank you. And I knew that you would come around." I said winking. I put the turkey in the oven as the doorbell went off and Trig started barking. I went and opened the door. There was the mamas. I waved for them to come in. Soon every body was here. Kolby's girl seemed nice.  She was shorter with brown hair. Both mamas made us all go outside because we were getting pretty rowdy.

"Let's play football!" Everybody agreed. B ran and got the football. It was girl vs boy with Pj was the reef.

"Ok here is the rules: snap the ball And then the  defense has to count out loud to 10 than if you touch them with two hands they are out. Everyone got it?" We all nodded. "Ok let's flip a coin." He flipped it as B called out heads. "It tails. So girl has the balls first." B tossed me the ball. Me and Jane grouped up. "I can throw." She said. "Ok and I can catch I hope." I started laughing. We all bent down. Jane called out hike. She hiked the ball to me and I started zigzagged around the boys. She throw the ball. I caught it and started running. As soon as I did B put out one of his long legs and tripped me.

"Where's the flag!?" I yelled.

"Easy Miss thing." Pj called out.

"But B that is a flag." Awhile later it was the boys turn with the ball. Kolby was the quarterback. I got squared up with B.

"Your going down!"

"Am I now baby?" He gave me a smirk.

"Hike!" 1..2..10! I ran towards B and rammed into him. It shifted him just enough that the ball landed right in my arms. I turned and ran back the other way. I ran into the in zone and throw the ball down. Jane and I high fives. B came up to me.

"That was no far baby girl and you know it."

"Do I know it?" He throw me over his shoulder and spun around.

"Brantley Keith! Let me go!" He put me on my feet and kissed me as mama Becky called out dinner. We all raced inside and got cleaned up. We sat said Grace and dug in.

A/N another short chapter but the next one is going to be huge. Also happy Thanksgiving!

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