Chapter 18 Big night

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These two weeks have been so much fun. Tonight is the big night. I'm super nervous. Right now I'm in the tub shaving my legs. Lauren begged me to wear a dress.

"In here babe." I walked back to the room he was in.

"Im  going to go pick up Lauren and were going to go to lunch and hang out." He stood up and hugged me.

"Ok. Have fun! Love you."

"I love you too." I stood on my tip toes and brushed my lips against his. "Bye!" I went to my truck and drove to where Lauren and Thomas was staying. I sent her a text saying I'm here. She waddled to the truck. She got in the truck after a couple of tries. My mouth dropped in surprise that she was pregnant. "Why didn't you tell me?" I gave her a hurt look face. She started crying.

"I'm so sorry Emma! I thought Thomas told B and he told you! I should have just called you." I wrapped my arms around her and handed her kleenexes.

"It's ok. There is no need to cry." She wipped her eyes. We went to the mall and were eating know. "So are you going to wear a dress?" I started choking on my drink.

"A dress?"

"Yes silly! I'm wearing one! Let's get you a dress!"

"Um... no." "Why not? Please? For me? If you don't I'll start crying again!"

"Ok. Fine. I don't need another meltdown." She started laughing. She dragged me to the dress shop. She went around looking and if she found one she liked she throw it in my arms. Then pushed me into the dressing rooms. We had been here for 2 hours and I haven't found anything I liked.

"Here try this one." She pushed a  dark blue dress in. It was short in the front and longer in the back. It had a brown belt with it. It looked cute. I put it one and fell in love.

flashback over

I as done with my legs and I hopped in the shower. After I blowed dryer my hair. I curled my hair in big curlers. I did my make up. I looked at my phone. Time to go. I walked out it to the living room. Everybody but me and B were going to stay here.

"Oo baby you look so pretty."

"Thanks mama." I gave her a hug. I went and got my phone and keys. "Come on B! Or were going to be late." He came out looking very handsome. 

"Bye everyone!" I said dragging B out the door. They said good bye as I shut the door. B went and opened my door for me.

"What's got you so jumpy?" He asked getting in himself. 

"I'm just so exited!" We got to where it was and got out.

"B what do you do on a red carpet?" I started getting butterfly in my belly. He came over and hugged me.

"Hey it's ok to be nervous. I'll help you through it."

"Ok! Let's go." He grabbed my hand. How did I get so lucky!


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