Chapter 28 Christmas time part 1

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B's prov

I walked into the ring store with Pj in tow.

"Boss are you sure?"

"Pj I want her to be mine. Since she left me I have never been the same. My heart had a piece missing. But as soon as she came back into my life it came back. So yes I am sure."

"Ok boss I was just checking but I could already tell that you love her." I went up to the guy at the desk. Emma thinks that I went to Nashville for interview which I did but also to  buy  her a ring.

"Hello Mr. Gilbert."

"Hi ya Stan! How ya doing?"

"I'm going just fine. So what can I get you today?" Stan was the one that every country star got rings and jewelry from because he would clear the store so that no one knew.

"Well I need a ring."

"An engagement ring?"


"Ok well want to tell me about the girl?"

"Here name is Emma. She is perfect. She doesn't like anything to flashy. She's a country girl through and through." He thought for a minute. He leaned under the counter a pulled one up. It had a small diamond that was in between two wires. That had leaves. I knew that she would love it.

"This is the one."

"Ok do you know what size she wears?"

"A size 6." He nodded.

"I have one in the back. I'll be right back." I couldn't believe that I was going to buy this.

"When are you going to pop the question boss?"


Still B's prov

I slid on to the chair on the island. Emma put a plate down in front of me filled with pancakes and bacon. I had asked her to move in with me. And she said yes.

"So what kind of tree do you want?"

"A nice tall green one that smells like Christmas."

"Alright will do." I heared a knock on the door. Emma went and opened the door.

"Hey short stuff."

"Hi Kolby. Come on in there's more pancakes and bacon in the kitchen."

"I knew that you loved me!" He said rushing into the kitchen. He grabbed a plate and started eating. "Hey." He said in greeting before stuffing  his face. "Hey." I greeted back.  I went and put my plate in the sink. I went up stairs. I brushed my teeth and slipped my shoes on. I came back down stairs.

"Kolby!!" I heard Emma yell. I ran into the kitchen. Emma had a big bloop of butter in her hair. Kolby was laughing. He looked at Emma.

"Ooo crap!" He started running around the kitchen with Emma after him butter in hand. I snapped a picture.

I put it in Instagram with the caption @thekolbygilbert you messed with the wrong girl @southenbella_emma I put my phone away just in time to see Emma smear some on Kolbys face. I sat laughing. Kolby came by me.

"Ya, ya. I know let's go!"

"Bye babe love you!"

"Love you too! Find me a good tree." I laughed as I closed the door and went to my truck. We had been at the tree farm for a couple hours. Until I had to find the right tree.  It was tall but not to tall. It was a darker green than the rest of them.

"Kolby I found it." He came over and we cut it down. We put it in the back of the truck.

"Dude I'm hungry."

"Kolby you are always hungry. But I'm hungry too." We went to a dinner and went and sat down. "Kolby I have to show you something." I pulled the ring out and showed him.

"You are finally going to pop the question."

"Yep. I even asked her father."



I pulled up to the graveyard. I got out and went to Emma's fathers grave. I went and sat down by it.

"Hello Mr. Barnes. I don't know if you rember me. I'm the one that... nevermind. But I do have a question. I want to ask if I can marry your daughter? I knew I've haven't always been there for her but I have changed. Please just send me a sign."  I sat for a minuite. When a doe and fawn came out of the woods. The doe looked back in the woods. Than she looked at me and nodded at me. I knew that was my sign.

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