Chapter 25 Never letting go

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B's prov

"Nurse!" I screamed. Two nurses and a doctor came in. They said a bunch of mixed up stuff that I wasn't getting. One nurse pushed me out and locked the door. I know she locked it because I tried to open it. No. No. They have to save her. Please just save her. Her mother came running around the corner.

"B?! What happened?!"

"I don't know. I was sitting there and..." I broke down crying. We both cried together. After a couple hours the doctor came out.

"She's still alive. And she is awake."


"Yes we think that when we shocked her heart it woke her up while it saved her. I really don't know what happened. That's just a guess. But all I know is it's a a miracle!"

"Thank you so much. Can we see her?"

"Yes but only one at a time."

"You go ahead Mrs. Barnes." I went down to the lunch room and grabbed a coffee. I got on Instagram and posted on my story.

Thanks everyone for the support. Emma is awake. Thank you all again. I posted. With in 5 minutes  my phone was blowing up. I put it on silent and put it in my pocket. I went in about a half an hour later. I slowly walked in.


"B! Omg B!" She looked about ready to jump out of the bed to get to me. I went and pulled up a chair by her bed.

"Ooo B. I've missed you so much. Never leave me again." She said hugging me as she cried. Putting her head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm so sorry Emma about the fight. "

"We both said some thing buts it in the past know."  We sat talking for awhile tell the door opened.

"Brantley Gilbert!" Carrie yelled waking up.

"Why in the world did you post about Emma then when I texted you didn't answer?!" Emma sat there laughing. Carrie gave me a dirty look before turning to Emma.

"Hey girl you look beautiful!"

"Carrie, I hadn't brushed my hair , showered in 5 days. I stink!" I just happened to agree with Carrie. My girl looked absolutely beautiful. She was alive and that's all that mattered to me.
A/N Emma's alive!!

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