🕊️SR 19

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Conrad Knight

I always considered myself the best in everything. I saw myself as someone who could never be wrong. But now as the severity of my actions dawned down on me I felt like I should be hanged.

When I came back from England to start my revenge I was intrigued by Hazel James the first time I saw her. But with my father's letter in hand me remembering what she caused my family. I pushed aside any other feeling that was not hatred, disgust, contempt.

And the plan was to pretend to love her then when she found out she had been used she would hate her life. To add more to that she would be my personal slave. Things started to change when I slept with her. With all the love professing I had been doing I could feel myself having some feelings for her. That I confirmed with her addictive kisses.

But when I remembered what they had done I turned animalistic. I slapped her, burnt her hand, threatened her with her father and friend, used her,insulted and humiliated her. Now it had come to bite me in the ass.

Hazel James and Crystal Peterson now looked like twins. But if you looked clear you could see the crook and bump on Crystal's nose.

"Is she dead?" Jennifer was sobbing onto Cole's shoulder while I couldn't believe what had just happened. Helen was clutching onto Hazel as if her life depended on it. She was the one who had shot Crystal.


The paramedics took out the bodies of Crystal and Hazel. It was confirmed that Crystal had a pulse and therefore still alive but Hazel had no pulse.

We were now in the waiting area as the nurses would go in and come out from time to time. It had been nearly 4 hours. "Mr. Knight, if anything happens to Hazel I will never forgive you and you will never see me." Helen said. "I warned you from day one, didn't I? But you didn't listen. Now an innocent girl is lying inside there fighting for her life as the imposter and the cause of her problems are free."

"Family of the twins?" The doctor arrived just in time. "Crystal Peterson is now stable but as for Hazel James, we are sorry. We are doing everything possible to stabilize her but she isn't responding. I'm afraid that if she doesn't wake up within the next 7 hours then we will have to declare her clinically dead." He informed.

"Not so fast doctor, you will treat like any other normal patient. I don't care how many billions I have to pay. Do all you can." I grabbed him by the collar. I felt like total shit. He nodded and left.

"Wow," I spun to come face to face with Madison herself. She chuckled bitterly. "When Hazel first told me that she overheard a conversation that you love her I did not look into it much. But when she came again and said it that it happened I confronted her and we had an argument. Jennifer dearest herself was there. Acting like the perfect friend taking her side.

I did not believe that shit cause I found it totally and absolutely ridiculous. How come she only heard the undying love outside the door and others did not? And with the way you were treating her, I knew you had something up your sleeve."

She faced me with hatred in her eyes and tears, "And you succeeded. You succeeded in tossing my sister into a hospital bed in which we don't know if she'll make it or not.

It's just like highschool all over again, where she was treated like shit and now she got tangled with the mother of shit. When she was being brought in I couldn't believe my eyes. She has lost so much weight. She looks like a frozen body in the morgue." More tears escaped her eyes.

She turned to Jen. "I hope your happy now. All of you. You all succeeded. Hope your revenge tastes sweet. Now please leave. I don't want to see any of you."

"I'm sorry but I'm not going anywhere. If only I had done my homework then she wouldn't be on that hospital bed fighting for her life right now. I threatened her that if she called you then I would stop her father's treatment and took her phone. I know I'm such a bastard."

"Damn right you are, you ruined her life. For what? Trust me, you are no different from Luke and Crystal. I hope you all rot in hell or wherever you came from."

Chris and Helen were glaring at me. They even refused to talk to me. "Son what have you done?"
"Dad? You should be resting."


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