🕊️SR 15

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Madison Brown

It had now been 5 months since the last time I heard from Hazel. I had gone to her workplace, Knight Tech and they had told me that she no longer worked there. I met with her boss and he said she had handed in her resignation long ago. But I wasn't one to be fooled. I called that Bullshit.

I had also tried her number but it wasn't working. Something was wrong and I could feel it deep down in my heart from within. She was not okay and I had feeling it had to do with that boss of hers. Jennifer was of no help. She had suddenly grown this attitude. I knew the first time I met her that the glint in her eyes was for a reason. All I could do now was keep on visiting her father, make excuses on why she wasn't here and make necessary payments to ensure he was okay.

Conrad Knight

I was waiting patiently for the nurse to bring my father. The doctor had said that he was fully healed and what was left was to recover some parts of his memory. That was as a result of being hit on the head severely by Luke Peterson. Atleast he was in jail now.

God was using me to bring justice and for my father's recovery. Since I took that bitch as a slave in my house I had been receiving good news about my father's health and now he was being discharged.

I had gotten to find out about what the bitch and her brother had done when my father had written a letter the day before he was attacked. That's how I got know about this and planned my revenge.

Now that my father had been released I wanted to throw the bitch out in the streets where no one could help her. I had already seized her bank accounts and everything she owned. If she tried contacting that friend of hers then I would make sure she was as poor as a church rat.

She would shoulder the burden of her father on his deathbed that she will commit suicide just as my mother did. Atleast when that happens I could say I had accomplished my revenge.

Hazel Knight

I had lost a huge amount of weight and even though I did not look anorexic I could see. The uniform no longer fit me but it was loose around me. My cheeks were hollow and my once bright blue eyes were now dull and lacked any spark in them.

I did not eat and sleep properly. If I ate the food will be used as energy when I cleaned every nook and cranny of his house. After which I proceeded to drain the swimming pool or sometimes use the net to remove any dirt.

In these five months I had not left the house. When I had my menstruation and lacked sanitary pads, Donovan, the rude driver would go get them and throw them at me as if I were some wild, rabies stricken dog.

The staff were back in the mansion since I heard Conrad's father was being released from the hospital.

Helen, the head of them all was very shocked when she found out that I was the one who had been cleaning and cooking all this while. She couldn't believe it. But when Conrad told her that I was the reason his father had been in the hospital her reaction was not what I expected.

The other maids who had taken a pity on me on hearing that shied away and treated me as if I had leprosy. Only Helen remained she would observe me critically and shake her head in disbelief.

She would occasionally talk to me but I was not allowed near Conrad's father at all. I had never even seen the guy. Conrad had told me that I should count my days because very soon he would throw me out to the curb and no one would be there to help me at all and that if I went crying to Madison he would strip her of everything she owned. The one part I was happy was when he said he would throw me out.


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