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Hazel James

Planning a wedding was no easy task. But it was all worth it in the end such as now.

Checking myself out in the mirror I felt giddy, excited and nervous all at the same time.

It was the big day. Our wedding.

My family and friends had gone all out and made sure that Conrad and I hadn't seen not talked to each other in three days.

The wedding arrangements had been chosen by us. For example the colors, cake etc and the rest left to the wedding planner.

I was all set and done. The makeup artists had left not long ago. I was dressed in an off-shoulder sparkling white, mermaid gown, simple hairdo and silver jewelry.

My veil was yet to cover my face. Holding the locket that Conrad had gifted to me I kissed my father's photo. I really wished he was here. But I was grateful to God for giving me a life partner such as Conrad.

The door opened and Madison and Steven walked in. He was the one to walk me down the aisle.

"You look so beautiful, dear. My daughter-in-law. I always knew you guys were meant to be." He said.

"Girl, I didn't know one could look so bomb in a wedding dress but you proved me wrong. I myself wasn't close to that. Go make his knees weak."

"You father would have been proud of the woman you became." He Steven said hugging me.

"It's time. Let us- holy Lord! Damn!" Leon whistled. I don't know how Conrad would be dealing with a boner all through the wedding ceremony and shit.

Madison covered my face with the veil and the others left. I was left with Steven. Waiting for a little while he took my arm and led me out of the room.

Behind those doors you could hear the soft playing of music. The familiar wedding match came on and the quietened down.

The doors opened and I could hear gasps and whistles from the crowd. I was short sighted so I couldn't see Conrad's expression. All I knew was that he was in a navy blue suit and white shirt with what looked like a bow tie.

When we reached him our eyes met and I couldn't look away. His eyes held tears in them as he took my hand from his father.

"Do what is right before the Lord, son." With that he left.

I faced him and we stared at each other. The others were just a blur. Raking my eyes over his form I internally swooned.

His cologne teased my nostrils and my hands were itching to touch him.

The clearing of a throat brought us out of our lust filled thoughts. The priest smirked knowingly at us and Conrad smirked back.

Conrad had been all flirty and freaky in our dating but he did not let it go past kissing and grinding on each other.

He always said he wanted to do it right this time. And honestly it had been hard on both of us. We craved each other but we stayed celibate so as to make our first night memorable.

I couldn't wait.

"Do you have your vows?" Nodding the priest signaled us to proceed. Conrad was first.

"With everything that has happened in all of my life, you are one that I tank God everyday for. I sometimes wake up pinching myself just to make sure that this isn't some dream. You are my best friend, my confidant, my lover, the mother of our future kids. Marrying you is truly my greatest desire fulfilled. I promise to never let go. The hand I take now is the same one I will hold in the autumn of our lives. I love you with love that cannot be expressed in words only but in kisses, glances and in the years of our lives. I pledge to be a loving and faithful husband supporting and celebrating you in all your achievements and failures. May my love for you never cease. With this ring, I thee wed."

I tried so hard to keep my taers and check. The crowd was in awws and tears.

Composing myself I said my vows. I vow to

"I know we did not start on a good note but that is what brings us together. I truly love all I know of you and long to learn more as we grow old together, falling for you more and more each day, being part of your life and connected in everyway forever. I promise to encourage and inspire you in good times and in bad times. You are my safe haven. I promise to love cherish and honor you as my husband. My love for you is immeasurable and all I know is that I will love you till my last breath. With this ring I thee wed."

"Those vows were intense. I now pronounce you husband and wife." He gave a dramatic pause. The crowd chuckled.

"You may now kiss your bride."

Conrad took his time taking the veil off and looked into my eyes deeply as if memorising each and every detail on my face.

Dipping his head, he connected our lips slowly and passionately conveying all his emotions in the kiss. When things were about to get PG 13, he released my lips slowly.

"My beautiful wife, Hazel Conrad Knight." He breathed out. "I love you so much. God knows what I'd do without you."

"I love you too my handsome man of a husband." I winked.

"Ready to christen our matrimonial bed tonight?" He smirked winking and I blushed.

To our eternity.

Till death do us part.

Epilogue 1 is out.
I'll meet you in the next bonus chapter. (*Steamy PG 16*)
Stay safe.
Be blessed.
Not Edited.
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