🕊️SR 36

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Conrad Knight

(Do not die on me!!😷😱😍)

My father had literally forced me on this business trip to Rome but we weren't on speaking terms.

According to him, he and Hazel's father had been friends before they lost contact. He blamed me for everything Hazel had gone through.

I was a living testimony to the saying, 'You never miss the water till the well runs dry.'

Among the things I was expecting when I arrived, Hazel was not among them.

My company was almost in ruins and we needed something to keep it afloat. Only a few knew of this problem.

As I sat through the meeting. Knight Tech was no longer in my mind. It was the least of my worries. My sole focus was on Hazel.

The woman who would have been in my arms to love, worship and cherish if I did not let my stupidity overrule my thinking.

She was no longer the woman I broke. She stood confidently among men and stood out.

Honestly, I felt like crying. Why couldn't I just fall for her then before breaking her and finding out the truth instead of accusing her.

Why fall for her when she's long gone and in the arms of another. I used to like Fredo Lamberto as a person. But when I saw Hazel. My Hazel in his arms I couldn't help but feel territorial even though I was the one who ruined everything.

It hurt me so bad when Hazel called me a killer. I didn't mean to cause her father's death in the middle of my vendetta.

I observed the clock ticking on the wall. It was 3 hours to the ball. Might as well follow Hazel's advice of cleaning up. But first I had something's to take care of.


I had roughly an hour to get dressed. A quick shower and I was done. My face shaved. Hair sleeked back with some locs falling on my forehead.

And lastly a black Armani suit, crisp white shirt with gold cuff links and watch.

Checking myself in the mirror I concluded that I look like a man. A real man.

Hazel's man.

I spritzed some alpha male cologne and left my hotel room. Hopefully tonight fate will have it easy on me.

Hazel James

The ball was tonight and I opted for a maroon, Cinderella, high slit gown. My hair was in a loose low bun with stray curls and tendrils framing my face.

A gold nose ring was in place and maroon matte lipstick adorning my lips. There was no need for foundation since my face had a natural but I powdered it a little to complete my looks.

My jewelry was all gold and a gold anklet adorning the exposed leg.

I took my purse and put all the necessities inside and locked after me. When I arrived in the lobby I could see many heads turning.

I knew I had done something right. I could see the narcissist from earlier eyeing me in pure lust.

Before we entered the ballroom each one was given a number and ushered in. I took my assigned table and saw Fredo approaching me.

"James, you look stunning!" He exclaimed as he gave me a hug.

"You look good Lamberto. I'm sure you're killing many ladies." I winked.

"But you're the only one I want to kill." He groaned.

I patted his chest lightly. "We talked about it Lamberto." I shooed him away to his table as he pouted and I just shook my head. Man child.

The announcer took the stage. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen." He paused and scanned the room.

"I must say today you are all dashing but some are breathtaking. I myself already have my eyes on someone."

There were chuckles from the crowd.

"So as you can see in your palms you have number cards that were given to you when entering the ballroom. Those cards represent your partner for the night. And if you decide to have the fun till the early hours of the morning. That's still fine.

As long as it's by mutual consent of course." He winked.

"To a night of celebrations and possibly love." The crowd erupted in cheers.

My number was 77. I looked around and saw Fredo already dancing with a lady in a yellow dress. I chuckled at his rusty moves.

"I guess your with me." A deep voice said from behind me. Conrad Knight. Of course fate had to be cruel.

Joining the cards together he placed them on the table and I saw all heads turn towards us. "Seems our heartthrob has found his other half." I snorted spiritually.

When I looked into Conrad's face was when I saw why many were looking at us. He had groomed to the nines. No overgrown stubble. Hair sleeked back. And the thick locs framing his forehead made me want to brush them off his face.

I looked away before I could get carried away. "Shall we?" I took his outstretched and he led us to the dance floor. "You look exquisite."

"Thank you. You clean up nice. Wasn't expecting you to follow my advice." I said in a monotone. He nodded and twirled me around as we danced.

The dance was almost over when he suddenly stopped. His hands were on my waist.

"I know what I did was not right and regret it. Tomorrow's our last day here. I hope we can talk before we part ways. I want us to part in good terms. Please." The vulnerability in his eyes and tone made me agree.

Forgiveness was long overdue.

When you forgive, you grow.

I was being a hypocrite for preaching the gospel and not following it myself.

Just some more chapters to go.
We have team Fredo and team Conrad.
We shall find out soon.
Next update in a few hours.
Till then stay safe and buy the correct sanitizer.

Someone just burned to death in his because of the sanitizer.

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Not Edited.

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