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Ok, so that was a long writers block. I have no excuse besides I started writing another book and sorta left the fandom but now I'm back and writing so please please please forgive me. :)

   I sighed heavily as we took a breather in Sam's and I's room. Why, what-, ugh. Sitting in the bed I placed my elbows on my knees with my head in my hands. Sam sat down next to me rubbing my back while Tucker paced. We had already tucked Alex and Eli in bed in the room next door. We also had the guard escort the rest of the class to their rooms with guards placed at each of their doors, to make sure nothing bad happened.

  "So here is what we're going to do, we're going to shove them through the portal downstairs, so then they all pop out into the ally next to the Fentons house," He stopped and turned his head in our direction. Sam and I both gave a nod in approval, "Then we scour the internet for any couple that gave there baby boy up for adoption 17 years ago or see if any baby boys, toddler boys or whatever went missing and was never found" He finished. My eyes grew wide and my jaw dropped open,"Unless you don't want to know who they are I just thought-"

  His voice cut out when I crushed him with a hug,"Thank you Tucker, just....thank you."


   After Tucker had gone to his room Sam and I had started to get ready for bed. I walked into the bathroom to see Sam brushing her teeth. I sighed and walked over so I stood next to her.

   "What if-" I began but she cut me off abruptly.

   "There will be no what ifs said aloud today or tomorrow or in the future about you real parents OK?" She spit into the sink and rinsed of her toothbrush.


   "Or buts OK. I bet you parents will love you and have loved you since you were born. And once they've seen what you have become they'll be so proud. So proud." She whispered the last part some how making it more reassuring for me then she could ever imagine.

    "OK," I mumbled back, I sighed and hugged her, whispering in her ear,"OK." She hugged me back.

    "Lets just go to bed and reset for tomorrow. We'll get everyone out of here and find my parent in laws." I chuckled and led her to bed. We snuggled under the covers and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


   I walked into the dining room full of groaning kids. Sam tapped me on the shoulder, "I'm going to go get Alex and Eli up, insight me if anything happens." Insight was the word we had come up with for are mind-link since mind link/telepathy has been WAY over used. I nodded and faced the class of the disheveled teenagers. I took a long breathe and prepared for the worse.

   "Alright everyone," I called out to the busy room, heads turned in my direction, "Finish up your breakfast then you're all going home." Cheering erupted and I quickly covered my ears. Damn their loud. I quickly walked out and was immediately handed a child, namely my child thank goodness. I sat Alex on my shoulders and grabbed his little feet so he wouldn't fall off. He began to play with my hair as I stared at Tucker. "Why did you have my child." I asked with a blank stare.

   "Because Sam said to give him to you,"

   "Cool, can you go start the portal up,"

   "Yeah dude it will be ready in 15," He said as he started to walk off.

    "Thanks!" I called after him as I decided to head back into the dining room as I felt Alex's stomach grumble the same time as mine did. Like father like son, I thought as we headed to the table to snatch some waffles and bacon.

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