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I was stunned "Ellie?" I whispered, she turned towards me.
"DADDY?" The class yelled, leaning backward.
"Mommy?" She asked again, staring at Sam, but louder this time, tears brimming her eyes.
"MOMMY?" The class yelled again.
"Honey, Ellie, everything is going to be all right!" Sam lied, trying to calm her and her daughters fear.
"I wouldn't bet on that." Walker smiled crookedly, he started walking back in my direction.
"Do touch her Walker!" I threatened, my king voice coming out full force. In response he kicked her to the ground.
"NO!" I screamed, my voice lowering to Dan's baritone. My wrists pulled on the shackles, with a shove they broke off and shrapnel flew across the cell.
"Come here Walky!" I said cheerfully, a sinister grin plastered in my face. My bar feet smacking the cement floor. I noticed most of the class was shocked into speechlessness, while Sam looked on in fear and respect.
"I think it's time for you to go to time out!" I said like a pouty kid, crossing my arms, mocking him as I approached. His head turned in every direction, looking for an escape route.
I walked forward and punched him in the nose before he could doge, he buckled. I punched again, his back hitting the floor with a sickening crack. There were many gasps behind me but I paid little mind to them as my vision went red.
I kicked, a small groan escaped his lips, sweat sticking to his pale face.
With a final punch I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "No one and I repeat NO ONE messes with my family". I kicked him in the head and he was out cold.
I walked over to Ellie and picked her up and I lifted her small body into my muscled arms, and went over to the other cell and unlocked Sam and then unlocked Tucker and the class.
"Would you ever react like that if any of the family got hurt?" Tucker asked. "Well duh, there family! Did you not just hear that threat I made to Walker?"
"Ok, ok! I was just curious." Sam came up next to me and slid her arm around my waist sense my arms were busy, "Thanks." She whispered, "Anything for you and are family." I replied lovingly. I the kissed her on the top of the head.
"What! I don't get a smooch!" Came from Tucker who was right behind Sam and I, it bring a chuckle out of both of us.
We began walking through the maze of tunnels until we walked out to fresh ghost zone air.
Many sighed in relief.
"DAINAL JAMES FENTON! How do YOU and SAM have a DAUGHTER!" My mother screeched.
"Because?" I said with a 'duh' tone. I looked back to the class, Ellie still in my arms and Sam and Tuck to my right and left.
"Ok everyone!" I shouted, getting there attention while avoiding my mothers question," We will head to King Phantom's castle which has a portal to bring you home. Sound good?" There were yes's and nods throughout the group besides a certain 3 (Valerie, Maddie, Jack)
"Transformers, ROLL OUT!" "Really Danny?" "Yes!" Both me and Tucker answered Sam's question, and we began the 2 hour walk to the castle.
After walking the 2 hours to the castle we finally began to climb the expansive stairs up to the front doors. Ellie now walking next to me.
"I can't wait to meet Phantom! Wait, OMG, I am going to be a queen!" Paulina sang happily.
"Yeah whatever you say." I muttered, " And she's just now figuring this out!" Sam whispered back irritated, and we continued.
    We reached the last steps with are aching legs and sore arms. We reached the doors and was met with two guards standing on each side of the glistening black wood door.
   "Hello Prince Danny, Hello Princess Sam." The one on the left said.
"Hello Fred." I said to the right one. "Hello George." I greeted to the left one.
"I see princess Ellie is with you, and this must be the class."
"Yea, see you later. And thanks!" I called over my shoulder as we walked through the heavy doors.
"DAINAL!" I turned to see my furious mother looking tense and shaken. I then looked over the rest of the class and most stood stunned, some were shifting foot to foot, nervous, mostly the nerds. Paulina had a smirk on her face while Dash looked about ready to pass out.
I looked over to Sam, theroly confused. She facepalms and slid her hand down her face. "They called us prince and princess." She explained, looking at me accusingly.
"Oh, oops?"

Ok that was that chapter and I know it's short but it was the only thing I could get out in time so yeah!PEACE OUT!

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