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With my yell everyone tensed, not knowing how to react, scared, concerned, confused?
I then heard a slight gasp come from the cell across the hallway from me.
"Danny I'm fine and so is everyone else, everyone's is fine including me, Not a scratch." Sam reassured me.
I squinted through the dirty bars of the cell and saw her face, it looked worried but relieved that everyone was safe.
    I sighed. Everyone was safe, now we just wait for Walker or the questions the class would surely give me.

Hi I am the time skip of greatness coming here to present you to a later point in this sucky story!

    Surprisingly nobody asked any questions, probably to shocked and confused to form a question.  
    My own brain turned with questions and irritation as I waited for Walker.
    I didn't have to wait long as he noticed all of us awake and slinked out of the shadows, a devilish smirk plastered on his pale face.
   "So I see the Punk and his Wife are here to join us?" There was a collective gasp " Oh and the techno geek and his 'friends' are here as well? You know humans are NOT allowed in the ghost zone!"
    I growled "Don't you dare touch them Walker!" I yelled, my king voice almost coming out in fear, and anger for the jailer. His smirk just grew at my obvious discomfort.
   "No, not her,...not yet!" He hollowed with a demonic laugh following, it echoing of the barren walls. I growled.
    "But first, let's start with you! How about," he tapped his chin as he pulled out a table, it screeching against the the cement flooring, with various torture tools laid out for all too see.
  "Should we start with the blood bloom whip? Or should we start with 5,000 bolts of electricity with a nice branding after." He mused. I looked over to see everyone else terrified as to see what he was planning on putting me though.
   He soon started doing en-meany-miny-mo with the two choices and soon landed on the taser.
   I started straining against the cuffs, realizing that these cuffs were stronger than the cuffs before. He's learning, I thought, but soon pain and fear filled my mind as he inches forward and tasered me.
   I screamed in agony as arcs of electricity bounced off my body, every once in a while I would get a glimpse of everybody else looking on in utter horror as I jerked around.
    After what felt like days, which were really seconds, he let the taser drop of my body and he walked it back to the metal table.
"Next Step!" He cheered, lightning his hand with a pink flame , the end of the metal stick he grabbed soon began to heat up till it was a bright glowing red.
He walked straight towards me, not wanting the metal to cool down to much.
     He shoved the hot metal into my squishy flesh, this time I whimpered with pain searing across my abdomen.
      Sam was yelling for them to stop, as was Tucker. Maddie and Jack looked in in complete shock as the rest of the class with Mr.Lancer stared as if frozen in place from the onslaught they were witnessing.
After a minute or two he let the metal off my hurting body, taking a few steps back to admire his work. He cackled evilly is as he sighed.
"Now that's done let's do something that will ruin you." He said easily, the words seeming to slide from his foul mouth.
He whistled, two guards came in with a screaming and kicking black haired, ice blue eyed child.
"Let me go! Let me go!" The small child shrieked.
"My dad will come and beat you all up once he finds out you took me! I bet he's coming right now!" As to final the statement she screamed, "DADDY,MOMMY!"
"Oh, oh, oh." Walker said, his head shaking in disapproval.
"There already here child."

"Now Ellie, please introduce yourself to the class why don't you."

I am trying to get the chapters in here on schedule, I'm trying my best! And that's all for this chapter I hoped you liked it, I know again this chapter is really short but there are sooo many cliffhangers! Any that's all! PEACE OUT!


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