More Family

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      "Ummm..." I squeaked out, but thankfully I was saved by another voice yelling. "DANIAL!" Man am I busy today.
     "Oh shit! Do you think she found out about Walker?" I asked Sam and Tucker worried. "What do you think?" Was Sam's reply to my question, also looking a little worried.
"Daddy!" Came Ellie's shrieking little voice.
"Mmm?" What was my smart reply.
"That's a bad word!"
"I'm sorry sweetheart, just worried." "About what?"
"Your grandmother."
"Grandma's here! Yay!"
    "Umm, dude. Might want too look behind you." Tucker said, voice shaking.
    I slowly turned around to see a seething Pandora behind me, She was beautiful with her pink fire hair, four arms, and blue skin and armor. She the most mother-like person to me I've ever met so I consider her my mom especially sense Maddie has never even come close to a mother figure for me. "Hello mitéra." I once again squeaked, afraid of her over barring protectiveness of me and team phantom.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME!" "Ummm...?"
"You can answer that later young man now what did he do to you this time!"
"Not much-."
"He was electrified and was branded!" Sam butted in.
"Trust me, you'll thank me later. Especially if those wounds get infected! And don't forget about your leg!"
"Wow, way to put it all out there Sam." I replied dryly and made a sweeping motion with my arms as Pandora started checking me over. I tried pushing her away with no use.
    "Wait." Paulina said in slight horror," Didn't that ghost prison dude say that goth witch is your wife!"
   "Oh, right, he said that." I remembered, well there goes another secret out the stained glass windows of the entry way.
    "YOUR MARRIED!" My mother fumed, she stopped over and got in my face,"How DARE you do this to the family!"
"You will NOT talk to my son this way blue suited lady!" Said a angry Pandora who wedged herself in between me and my former mom.
"Son! Were you the one to give birth to him!" My mom yelled back. "No but neither were you." Answered Clockwork after a small portal formed and he popped out.
At the moment he was at his middle age form with his purple cloak, wrist with seven watches on each arm, and the crystal box with a weathered clock in the middle of his chest.
"Oh hi dad." I said with a small wave , then it hit me and I stumbled back a few steps and walked into Sam's arms as she held me close.
"What?" I asked, dazed and confused.
"Maddie and Jack aren't your biological parents." He restated.
(Clockwork is changing forms every few minutes)
I started breathing heavily," Who are my real biological parents?"
"All is as it should be."
"Dammit Clockwork who are they!"
"Only time will tell."
"Well can you ask it for me?" I asked sarcastically.
"Yeah,yeah I know. Timeline is everything."
I then turned to everyone who was watching in confused interest.
Sam let go of me and I grabbed her hand while Pandora picked up Ellie. I turned to look down the hallway and called behind me, "Follow me!"
"We will have a very very long talk when we get home young man!" Said my irritated mother,
"Well guess what? I'm NOT your young man any more." I said calmly.
After my response everyone else besides, Sam, Pandora, Ellie, and me,Oooooooooo'd.

     I started walking down the hallway to where the dining room is but the only people following me we're Sam, Ellie, and Tucker. The rest of the class either to shocked, confused, or if you we're two adults in jumpsuits, to angry.

     "Come on. If you don't wan to eat that's fine but if you do follow us please." and that b we were off, yet again. But this time to a much more rewarding place.



OK, let me start off with saying how SORRY I TRULY AM. I feel so fucking bad about not updating and the next update will also take a while and I don't mean to FOREVER to update but my summer has been so full of crazy shit..., I know, worse excuse ever. Just let me explain whats been happening.

     June: Was pretty tame but I go to this summer camp everyday so I cant really write then. Then family demands family time. (I hate family time my brother always picks on me)

    July: So my parents are divorced so I have to switch house every few days but my dad picked both of his 'Summer Vacations' this month so the 1-4 was my mom then dad has the 5-11 then i go back to my moms fro the 12-17 then I go back to my dads for the 18-27 and then the 28 I go to teaxs till late august 2. then its a calm week. The back to BBQ (Its basically when you go school two days before you start and meet all the teachers and put your supplies away and get your locker and everything.) is the 13 then I got to school on the 15. Then HOMEWORK.

    So again Im so so so so so very super sorry for not updating and what im so excited about is that we have reached:

    8 Fucking K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And this is my first fic to! I know that's not a lot to some authors but  too me and I'm so fucking happy about this and when I first went on here this morning I didn't even notice until i finished this chapter if that even makes sense. Anyway if you even read this at all, I love you guys so much and hope you have a great and wonderful day. love you! PEACE OUT!

Mrs. Phantom

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