Even MORE Family

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      We walked into the large dining hall, a long table adorned the polished dark marble. I lead the group up to the end of the table where a pair of doors stood, kitchen doors the class assumed.

    I clapped and the class jumped, a small smile graced my lips.

"So we're going to get you all fed and cleaned then your out of here because clearly I have some stuff to do. Family and otherwise." He sent a glare towards the jump suited bozos.

"Alright let's-" The doors that supposedly led to the kitchen opened and a cute toddler wobbled its way across the floor towards Sam who was walking to meet up with the small thing. Before Sam could even reach the toddler Paulina picked it up. As soon as the the kid was in the she-devils hands it started to bawl.

Sam gently took the small toddler from the latino's arms but once the purple eyed queen carefully handed the small person into my arms she rounded on the offended mexican. 

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HIM!" she roared, her eyes turning a sharp neon green. Tucker quickly raced past me as I continued to tickle Alex's stomach making him giggle. Tucker quickly grabbed her small wrist and pulled her back from a frighted Paulina.

  Soon joyful laughter filled the vast space as the cute black haired toddler screeched at my funny face. Everyone stopped, having forgotten about the small child.

"Hey!" The laughing abruptly stopped and I glared over to my VERY oversized father, I'm GLAD I'm not related to him. "What are you doing with that child? You have no idea what it needs, why don't you let Madd's take care of the baby."



  "Take Alex." She weaved through the class towards me. Gently took Alex out of my hands and stood to the side next to Tucker.

  Taking a steady breathe I replied with a voice almost as cold as my core.

"How DARE you talk to me that way. First things first you don't even know his name and I have clearly displayed hate to you and Madison. And let's not forget how Jazz raised me, not you two. You don't even know how to be parents." I finished, breathing heavily.

      "Can we at least know how you achieved another child besides the brat over there." Maddy said in a bitchy sorta tone. The class stood to the side as if they were turned into statues while looking at Maddie as if she was Medusa herself.  But right when I was about to retaliate Tucker snapped.

   "How dare you call my goddaughter a brat. And just to let let you know ALEX is also my godson and Sam gave birth to him. So there is your answer so get your big fat ugly nose out of are business and it out of Danny and Sams castle, oh and make it there lives too." Still holding Sam he adjusts to he was only holding tightly to her wrist and in turn she was carrying a sleeping Alex. He stomped over to Ellie and I, grabbed my wrist and walked us through to the main living space. As we exited he called over his shoulder, "Guards take the two unwelcomed guests down to the dungeons. Everyone can be escorted to there designated rooms."


Its wasn't even a long chapter. I owe you so much more because I've only been gone for,* checks watch and screams then relaxes again*, 6 months. 


 Anyway hopefully next time will be much sooner then last time. I love you guys and all of your support! PEACE OUT!

Mrs Phantom

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