The Dragon

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    Tucker POV:
         We were slowly nearing a bike park which I recognized Immediately as Johnny 13's and Kitty's lair. "Ummm.. Freak Trio?" Asked Paulina "What!" We yelled back annoyed sense she been complaining the whole time." Like do you guys know we're your going? Like,I see a bike park up head and like I think we should go there." "That's funny, THATS WERE WE'RE HEADED!" Screamed a very eritaied Sam. "Well like we're going there because it's my idea anyway soo, yeah!" Paulina sequels to an oh so accepting Josh.

      "Rvvvvrroooooooommmmmm" a bike than comes squealing past us and parks a few feet away. A green-greyish skined ghost jumps off the back of the bike excitedly. She had on a red ripped leather jacket on and a black under shirt and a green skirt with leggings underneath. Her hair was in green dreadlock which bounced as she ran over to me and Sam. "Hey Kitty." Sam said with a small wave. "OMG I can't believe your here you haven't visted in weeks and I have been dieing ( haha pun) to know how you and Danny are!" As she kept rambling in her high pitched voice of her's as the other ghost climbed off the bike less slowly and walked over. He had grey skin and a black leather jacket with a white under shirt. He had light grey pants with a dark green belt holding them up. They both had black as night combat boots which fit there outfits well together.

       As they grey skinned ghost approached me I ran up to meet him and hugged him tightly. "So how are you Johnny?" I asked lazily. "Good, just been riding around a bit but it's lots more fun with you and thorn over there." "Of course it's more fun with me around. I am THEE Tucker!" I answered. "I guess you could put it
that way." Johnny answered nochlanly.

"Hey!" Once Josh caught all of are attention he asked "How do you know these ghosts." Sounding kind of freaked out. "Ummm..." I looked over to Sam with a look that said you-take-this-one. She slightly nodded her head just so I could see."Well one time we were in Danny's basement and I knocked something into the ghost portal and we all went inside and got it back but we all thought it was so cool that we kept coming back!" she said in complete convdince. "And while we were in here we made friends." She finished with a touch of sasifacrory on her face has she gazed upon the shocked faces of the rest while the ghosts and me were sitting back amused by her lie. "Oh." He said back still in his own state of shock.

"Hey Sam." Asked a questioning kitty. "What?" " Have you learned to 'connect' with Danny yet?" "Almost. Not quite, why?" " Now maybe you can, sense your here in the ghost zone or have you tried it here before?" "Well no, but maybe I can try but I don't think it will work, do you have some place quite?" "Yeah, right over here." She then lead us to a big rock. "Alright everyone stay on this side while I contact Danny." Sam explained. "How will you contact Danny! Phones don't work here!" Said an irritated Paulina. "I have my ways." Was Sams reply. "Freak!" "Witch!" "Stop it!" I yelled. All eyes turned to me which were privicley going back and forth between both girls. "Sam just do your thing Pauliena just shut it." Sam gave me a grateful glance while Paulina was shocked to be talked to in such a manner by a boy! Sam went behind the rock and we all waited patiently wondering what she was doing besides the obvious people/ghosts.

Danny's POV:

           Everything was so quiet here. In this black space of nothingness. No problems, no responsibilities, no pressure. But there was also no good things like Tucker or Jazz, no Ellie, and especially no Sam. It was like a neutral area. No problems but no happiness either. Then I felt someone inside my brain other than HIM. It was a strange feeling, like someone was there and trying to talk to me then a loud booming voice broke though the sound like barrier. " Danial James Fenton you better answer me right now or I will kick your ghost butt all the way into your true afterlife!" Yelled a quite upset Sam. "Sam?" I questioned very confused. "Danny!" She said a little surprised but mostly shocked " I've been trying to talk to you though mind-link for a good ten minutes!" "That's because I think I'm unconscious." "WHAT! well wake up you dork or your going to get kidnapped or something!" "Sam, calm down, I'm king of the ghost zone! Hell if someone even touched me I could lock them up! So don't worry about me I will be fine. Now is everybody safe." I don't know everybody is safe because the only people I've found so far are Tucker, Mickey, Paulina, and Josh. There all ok and will survive just Tuck has a head wound and Mickey has a couple of bad injuries but not to bad." "Are you ok?" Just a few pieces of glass in my side but I removed them." "Good now were are you." "Right now I'm at kitty and Jonnhy's place." "I will find everybody else and head your way or we can just meet at Dora's." "The second plan sounds better. Meet you there! Love you." "Love you too." And then the presence disappeared. By the time we stopped talking I was almost awake. My eyes fluttered open. I saw nobody was by me so I decided to get up. I sat up a little shakey because of how long I've been out. Sense I've been training with clockwork my internal clock has gotten a lot better. It's been about 4 hours, 27 minutes, 49 seconds sense the crash. Time to find the the others. I stood up and looked myself over. I had a big cut along my leg, and a really big and deep cut across my chest. Both wounds started to bleed like Nigeria Falls has my organs started to work again. It turns out that when I'm unconscious all my organs stop as a reflex but when I sleep they work but at a much slower pace at about 12 heartbeats pre minute. Well time to scout the island and then head to Dora's  with the people I find. I thought has I started to slowly limp around the island.

No Ones POV:

We slowly came upon the ending of the island. When leaning forward we saw a big castle in the distance. Maybe we can head there? "Can we go there?" Asked Dash. "Maybe." Said a skeptical Maddie. " We do have the weapons for it. Alright let's go there." "How will we cross the gap?" Asked a worried Star still in Kwan's arms. "Just jump!" Maddie yelled as she jumped and started 'swimming' across the gap. One by one each of us followed while dash was pulling Kwan and star across.

We all finally landed when a big whoosh of fire started hurling towards are small group when we heard someone yell "Stop there friends with Danny!"

Well that was that. *doges ghost ice ray* Ya, Ya I know I've been gone way to long! Sorry Sorry but hopefully I will be posting a lot more

Word Count: 1257


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