Chapter 41 [Filler]

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Not a thing has changed back at the Komaji castle.

Even after everything that had transpired from the day they left to the day they made it back home, riddled with wounds and fatigue—-trauma yet closure.

What happened out there, stays out there; that is how Riven, Ayato, (Y/n) and Kaneki all felt.

All four survivors of the recent journey were designated to their own departments of the palace. Riven with the Ohagi farm, Ayato instructing his guard trainees and (Y/n) home with her companion (D/n).

The king himself—-sat alone.

Fixed to his throne seat, the man rested an elbow on the wood to support his chin, and leaned back 'till his head fell against the satin padding.

This was exactly the next morning after the night they fled Iridgo. He ordered to be left alone, which is why no guard, no servant, no maid could witness the blood staining his kimono right now.

The blood sticking between his hair strands like clay.

The blood hardening against his pale skin, beneath his broken nailbeds and on his cheekbone. He must've fancied how the contrasting color suited him; how the iron smell made him feel—-and how it filled him with...


Sweet king, having a meeting with his demons, Kaneki did not know another guest would be joining.

"Your highness," A smooth, slightly deep in tone but surely a woman's voice, enveloped his bloodied form tenderly.

He noticed the familiarity of how graceful she sounded, and new exactly whom had arrived once he drew his gaze down to the polished floor. The mirror-like quality of the ground reflected Aratani's countenance.

"Tani..." Kaneki simply replied, his grey eyes watched her golden hues hold the sun in them. A part of the young man felt delighted to see the close friend, though the other majority of his mood, the part that had now darkened and caved—-felt simply lost... and sad.

So sad.

The woman didn't move from behind his seat, Kaneki seemed content with her presence remaining behind him. He didn't want her to see the blood coating his body.

Gripping the throne, he prepared to relay the news to Aratani that Malek was dead. He knew how much the former princess loved the both of them and practically spent her whole childhood with the two famous cousins; she definitely deserved to know of all people.

"Aratani... Malek has passed," fixated on her reflection, he waited for the woman to reply, but something else took him by surprise.

Aratani's eyes widened only slightly, the brows on her face furrowed deeply and he noticed despite how faint it was, how her jaw tightened. This reaction was troubling to witness, so Kaneki proceeded to question, "What is this face you make before me?"

"Ken," she breathed with unsteadiness, tightening a fist while her expression remained the same; in a state of utter shock. "I should confess, that this event may have been avoided."

The king treaded lightly, confused but further more troubled by Aratani's sudden behavior, "What does that mean?" Tani lowered her head, darkness enveloped the space beneath the bangs of her silver bob—-these shadows only added greater shades of mistrust to her current nature at the moment.

"Did Rize kill him?"

All of Kaneki's demons attacked him at once, they stabbed with spades leaving nothing but a deep, hollow pain in his chest. Was this the feeling of betrayal? Kaneki didn't allow himself to get too far ahead, he continued to listen, though even with listening ears, his iron-filled eyes fixed across Tani's reflection in stillness... frighteningly grim.

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