Chapter 21

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Night had now completely embraced us after fifteen minutes of capturing the girl. With a torch in hand to push through the darkness, we ended up reaching a part of the stream bank again and crossing it, we were now trekking through the many natures of the vast jungle, wondering how far this tomb actually was. While Riven was still holding the girl by her neck as I trailed slightly behind, I had taken the females spear with me and had been inspecting every intricate marking on the weapon since.

Tracing my finger over the etchings of the wood, I glided up towards the flint and touched its tip, quickly drawing back with a sharp hiss. Looking down at my finger, blood began to stain my palm as it nestled into the crevices of my flexion creases.

"What happened?"

Riven turned around, staring at the dripping crimson. "I accidentally cut myself, it's fine it'll heal." Riven glanced at me with his usual expressionless face but I could tell that he was probably annoyed by my foolishness. Looking at the weapon once more, I came to the conclusion that this wasn't any earthly flint. Thinking back to the Nechakri Village and those otherworldly eyes, I began to have the suspicion that there was a lot more to these foreign ghouls than one could imagine.

"Ugh, Riven." The sound of distress left my lips when I had bumped into the stocky males back. Noticing that he had suddenly stopped in his tracks with the girl still in hold, I looked beyond them and finally realized the stone architecture before us. Moss, vines, and roots coated the aged stone like thick restraints. I walked towards the foot of the stairs that led up to a small rectangular opening which was obviously the entrance to the burial chamber.

Turning around, I locked gazes with the female Koeuna and tossed her spear, she caught it with ease despite the tear-stains on her cheeks and the fear that still shone brightly in her eyes. Riven finally released the girls neck and we both watched the Koeuna run off into the shadows of the jungle; fleeing like a rabbit.

"Ready?" I faced Riven, waiting for him to join me by the steps. After he did so, the male glanced over the surrounding stone rocks and nodded, "keep close to me." I simply rolled my eyes at him playfully as I watched his form ascend up the stairs. Soon following behind, we stopped at the tombs entrance and stared at the darkness that swelled beyond it. Riven raised up the torch, highlighting specks of dust that danced airily under the bright light.

Peering over, the light accentuated stairs that led down into more darkness. Unfortunately, the entrance to the tomb was a narrow descent which also had sconces for wall torches sticking out on both sides. Before I could step onwards any further, Riven halted me signaling that I wrap one of my hands around his arm. I gave him a look of disagreement almost explaining to him once again that I could handle myself, but something in his jade green eyes told me not to argue. Holding onto his bicep, we began our fall into the underground barrows.

Because of the stairs extremely narrow walls, it forced me to trail directly behind Riven while I held onto his arm, his broad back pressed against me though and I had to make sure I wasn't kneeing him with every step we took. Feeling the heat of the torch barley touch me, my eyes were drawn to the ancient sconces next to us, causing me to trace my fingers across the ornamental brackets in curiosity; it would've been more helpful if the torch-holders already had torches in them so we could light our way down the slope.

But looking beyond Riven and his light source, I noticed that not even the kindled flames of wood could eat past this pitch black darkness that shrouded below us into a deepness that looked never-ending. Glancing back over my shoulder, my heart slowed at the sight of midnight following right behind us; I just prayed we'd make it out of here alive.

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