Chapter 32: The Royal Children

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After some time relaxing here on the arms of the suisen tree, we noticed the sun had moved a littler farther down west and that the day was about to be over.

"Shall we meet at the dining hall?" Malek asked me, drawing his longing gaze away from the setting star.

I nodded my head, prepared to reply back but was quickly cut off when I felt a ball of spit form in my throat—-nearly choking me.

"Hello princes, the grand discussion is about to start soon but before it does," Rize and her mulberry smile, held out a hand towards Malek, bowing.

"May we...?"

The prince across from me didn't turn his head to look at her, though his eyes, slowly shifted to the corners as to glare down at Rize.

But Malek's demeanor never faltered.

Swinging his legs over the arm of the tree he sat upon, the prince smiled back at Rize, "of course," he closed his eyes, endearingly speaking,


I watched the two exchange glances with one another as Malek slipped from the tree elegantly before taking Rize's hand in his and turning back to me briefly. "I'll see you when the moon rises cousin."

Leisurely, I nodded my head in acknowledgment at his words, a repulsed expression tightened my jaw while Malek walked off down the flowerbed paths of the garden—-Rize skipping along right behind him.

"Ajisai," I scoffed under my breath, laughing to myself. It was a beautiful nickname for a nasty girl.

Turning my head in the direction of where the sun was setting, I laid my temple against the rough bark of the suisen tree gently and sighed. I could feel the wind traveling through my hair as strands of white locks flew against my face; the sensation was serene.

Drifting off into a state of slumber, suddenly someone called my name,

"Kaneki?" A soft voice piped up from below the large tree, I could recognize that tone from anywhere.

    Startled, I straightened back up on the sturdy branch and looked over to see my favorite princess out of the two that were visiting the Komaji Kingdom for the tournament meeting.

    "Tani," I exclaimed softly with a tender smile on my face.

    She held her hands together lending me a slight bow as a token of respect. Embarrassingly, I raised my hands up quickly waving off the Kultem princess's honorary actions as I sheepishly said, "Oh there's no need for that, really it's fine, you don't have to be so formal with me..."

    Aratani simply stared at me, perhaps confused and a little startled at how haphazardly I was acting. Scratching my head with a awkward laugh, I placed both palms beside me on the rough branch of the tree I was sitting on and thought to ask a reasonable question.

"So, what are you doing here?"

    The girl looked to the side for a moment, tilting her head, "Queen Jeryahnêtūk requested the four of us head to the garden for the evening until dinner."

'Okay, not so much of a reasonable question..'

I could feel myself internally slapping myself for not being more specific.

"Well, what do you need from me?" I worded better, crossing my feet.

    Suddenly, the princess before me seemed to falter in her comfortable demeanor before she gradually became more and more tense; entirely closing herself off.

    A whistle of wind arrived up the castle mountains once more and sung through the quiet garden. Silver strands of hair danced across Aratani's pensive countenance like strokes of pacific lightning.

    "It's about Karemek Sourtress," she began, biting her bottom lip, "your grandfathers sport... you know, it's changed.."

    Narrowing my brows, I understood where she was getting at but allowed her to elaborate further.

"It's a lot more dangerous now with the kingdom's being forced by society to participate and sacrifice their children-"

    "Aratani," I intercepted the young girls array of thoughts, reminding her, "these kingdoms are not forced by the law, so if those participating king and queens are so stuck up with self-pride that they're willing to stupidly put forth their youngest royals no matter how harsh society would be if they didn't..."

I sighed, shrugging my shoulders, "I'm sorry my family lineage has so much influential power—-but that's their problem at the end of the day."

    Aratani silently nodded, staring down at the floor; but didn't seem to agree with my opinion.

    "Kaneki," she raised her head suddenly, gazing up at me assertively with balled fists as she expressed, "I have full faith in you and your capabilities and that you'll surpass all that challenge your excellency but,"

She stopped herself, shifting her head to the ground once again as if she couldn't stand to look at me.

"I... I don't want to see you get hurt."

    A sensation—-filled my chest, burning my veins from the inside and speeding my pulse.

I could feel my heart run... with bliss.

    "Tani," my voice descended tranquilly, as calm as the mountains wind. I slipped from the tree and landed on the grassy path beneath me deftly.

    Walking up to her, I placed a hand atop her head and grinned. The same way (y/n), someone I'd probably never see again, the same way she'd ruffle my hair and smile so endearingly.

I did that to Aratani, comforting her, "don't worry about me princess, your faith isn't misplaced, I won't get hurt...

And I certainly won't die."

    Finally, the young girl lifted her head and locked gazes with me, a tiny smile graced her features as well.

To our surprise, the moment was ruined when loud chimes began to sound off across all areas of the palace.




    We both looked up, noticing that the blue sky had now darkened into night and the fresh feeling of the crashing winds dropped dead. The garden began to fill with an ominous atmosphere since we knew exactly what those chimes meant.

"Seven of The Twelve Golden Bells have been rung," Aratani exclaimed with a rise in tone, expressing her concern, "what could this be?"

    My eyes never left the swelling sky above us even as Aratani tugged at my sleeves profusely, trying to gain my attention.

My mouth drew open and I spoke,

"I don't know..."

Footsteps—-we heard the hard pattering of footfalls grow nearer and nearer through the garden. Immediately, I pushed Aratani behind me and summoned my kakugans to show whomever was there that I wasn't in any mood to play.

Two black and purpled haired ghouls came into sight, both panting. With Rize's hand in Malek's, the prince held a serious look on his face relaying some disturbing news to me as he spoke,

"Aogiri assassins... they're here."

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